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   « Back To Listing Pf 15177 Fido
Pf 15177 Fido - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 15 Years 11 Months
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Cream, Gray
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted15 Oct 2010 (Updated 15 Sep 2011)
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Very active and playful. Very difficult for me to trap him even though I hv been feeding him for quite some time. Even using wet food is not easy to trap him. He is too smart and I hv to be vry patient with him to lure him into my cage. He was dumped, around my place by irresponsible people.

By now he is called Fido and comes when called. He is so very S..sssmart. He always opens my room door, whether he is locked inside or outside. He will also open the room door for his other mates to come out when I locked them inside my room. Oh! he will jump and jump at the door handle until the door clicks open. Now that he has been doing it so often, he just have to aim once and jump with his paws pulling the handle and the room door will open. What a smart fellow he is.

At one time he was so smart that he goes on the toilet bowl and does his business but now he is lazy and does it on the sand pit.

Well we don't know what else our little friend can observe and do eh!..

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Pf 15177 Fido - Domestic Short Hair Cat

I want..ant...some.eee...more...!
I want..ant...some.eee...more...!

Pf 15177 Fido - Domestic Short Hair Cat


Give..me..give..me...giveee...me ee..ee..
Give..me..give..me...giveee...me ee..ee..

Oh!....Whats that?
Oh!....Whats that?

Treats..ssss.... yummy!...mmy...yy!..
Treats..ssss.... yummy!...mmy...yy!..

Pf 15177 Fido - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pf 15177 Fido - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Share your comments here5 Comments
azmyrax   Oct 15th 2010 at 3:00PM
ohhhh he looks so adorable!
thekerazeepanda   Apr 10th 2011 at 8:00PM
do u still have this kitty? is it available ?
onghongeng   Sep 15th 2011 at 6:37AM
Again the age of my cat is posted wrongly. He is only 1 yr and 3 months not 2yrs and 3 months. I took him in when he was 5 months old.

I have good and bad news about Fido.

Fido was adopted on Sat, 11-09-11 by someone who showed that he loves the cat. I sent the cat to his home around 5 pm. I left after 2 hours as Fido seems to feel comfortable around him and allows him to cuddle.

At around 12.15 am the next day (Sun), the adopter called and said that Fido ran away, for the door wasn't shut completely. I arrived there at 12.45 am and we both started searching for him till 2am.

I decided to search alone as Fido might not show himself with the adopter around. By 3.30 am I received a call from him that Fido was hiding behind the sofa.

We were so glad to find him eventhough it was a false alarm. I asked to hug him and tried to feed him as he did not eat. Fido's adopter was kind enough to allow me to go into his house to do that.

Maybe I should not have gone and hug Fido coz after I left he meow and meow the whold morning until the adopter could not sleep. Well he rang me at 8 am feeling tired and annoyed. He says that Fido only meows and its so noisy.

I explained to him that Fido can't talk like us and his meow is his cry to go home. Even if you babysit a 5 yr old kid for the 1st time, he will surely cry the whole night as he will miss home. Unlike a child the cat is unable to talk but only meows.

Since the adopter hadn't slept the whole night I dare not ring him to find out how things are, in case I disturb him. In the evening I message to see if he still wants to keep Fido. He was so kind to give Fido and himself another chance to see how things workout that night. I was very happy to hear that knowing Fido has found a loving home.

On Monday 12-09-11, almost 3 pm, The Adopter rang me and said that Fido had really escaped in the morning. My heart sank and I immediately made my way there. It started to rain and I prayed that Fido still hangs around there. Halfway I received a message to ask me to go at night not now. I replied that I was halfway and promised not to disturb him as I will do the search myself.

I reached there around 3.30pm as I speeded all the way. I searched around the vicinity till 7pm.
When I met the adopter and asked which direction Fido headed, he told me he went into a tunnel in the drain.

I can't trace where the tunnel leads as its below the road.

I asked what time Fido escaped and he told me around 7 am. Fido was meowing in the cage and the minute he opened the cage, Fido dashed out of the house through a hole at the door.

Its hardly any chance to find Fido after 8 and a half hours missing. I have been searching from 3.30 pm till night and night till morning and the whole afternoon but no sign of Fido.

Its been raining so heavily these two days (Tue & Wed) and floods are every where. Chances of Fido surviving is very slim. He has not eaten since the day I sent him for adoption.

I am really worried about his safety as he has never been out in the streets ever since I rescued him and showered himw with much love. Fido is spayed and very gentle. He can't fend for himself if other cats bully him.

The adopter is also very upset and concerned about Fido. We are so helpless.

Can anyone suggest anything?

I would like to share my knowledge of experience to pet lovers and new adopters.

Prepare yourself by reading books or magazines regarding handling and understanding of animals. Know their needs and feelings. Are you able to tolerate their smell and noise and if they are not toilet trained.

Also we must not shout or yell and scold or worse beat thes animals when they just come to our home. We want them to be our company and so we must love them.

Shouting, scolding, beating, chasing them around or even banging and kicking at their cage where they are in will not make them stop barking or meowing. Instead we will make them feel frightened and unwanted. They will run for their life if they get the chance, that is escape. They are home sick and we must shower them with love and gain their confidence. It takes around 1 to 2 weeks for older animals to settled down compared to younger ones. Also the number of animals play an important role. Adoption of 2animals from the same place where they know each other makes them feel comfortable as they have company, instead of one that will feel lonely, going to a new place and meeting new people is very stressful. Same with humans.We have to be very patient.

Not to say animals, even humans don't like angry and impatient people. If you go to a new place to work and your new boss starts scolding you and bang his room door coz you don't understand his instructions. You will quit immediately.
rihazmuhammad   Sep 15th 2011 at 9:22AM
thank onghongeng for sharing that. that info very useful for me.

Isnin yang lalu (12 Sept) saya telah mengambil anak kuncing terbiar di kawasan rumah saya. kucing ini dua beradik dan selalu datang bermain di depan rumah saya. kadang kala kedua- duanya bergurau dengan anak kucing saya (shiro) disebalik 'sliding door' rumah saya.

Pada pagi Isnin salah satu anak kucing terbiar ini dilanggar kereta. Jadi saya tak sanggup lagi melihat kejadian ini berulang. saya pun mengumpan anak kucing yang satu lagi masuk ke rumah saya untuk memeliharanya.

sehingga hari ini dia sangat takut dengan saya dan sering menyorok di bawah sofa. apabila saya mendekatinya dia menunjukkan reaksi marah. saya cuba mengajak dia bermain bersama. dia menunjukkan minat untuk bermain bersama saya dan Shiro. tetapi apabila dia sedar dia telah hampir dengan saya dia marah dan cuba menjauhkan diri.

Saya mula terfikir, anak kucing ini tidak suka dengan saya barangkali.

tetapi setelah membaca catatan anda, saya kembali yakin. mungkin dia perlukan masa yang lebih lama untuk menerima saya.

terima kasih
Vee20   Sep 15th 2011 at 10:44AM
Hi Rihaz. I had a foster kitten (semi-wild) hiding under my bed and never coming out for over 2 weeks :) she was fierce and would spit and howl whenever I got too close. It's very normal. Make sure the kitten recognizes you as the one who feeds it yes :) and bring your own kitten into the space, play with him and hold/manja him, let the other kitten watch you both. Trust me, they will be tempted to join it, but gradually. It's really nice that you've decided to take in this kitten, I wish you luck!

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