there were originally 7 of them but one went missing, and 2 died, we suspect hit n run they are currently housed in their nesting hole made by the mummy dog urgently searching for homes for them before more gets hurt
hi, would u be able to find a place to temporarily house them while searching for adopters? the street is not safe, as u already know... try contacting some of the rescue groups, they may not be able to take in the puppies rigth away as most of them are already overloaded with their own rescues, but mayb you could work something out with them... all the best...
hi i was seriously considering housing them but i travel very often and will not be able to really tend to them...i hv contacted mddb but the reply was like u mentioned, am hoping to hv someone adopt them from here
i really hope you will be able to find fosterers or adopters for the pups... mayb u'd also like to contact paws mission ( and ( temporarily boarding them at the vet could also be an option...
i will attempt to rescue them this sunday morning and handover to malaysian dogs deserve better for their adoption drive. thks for the additional contacts
will need more willing hands to help catch the mummy...she is very wary of humans...come within 3 feet and she bolts! need to take it slow n easy to gain her trust