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   « Back To Listing Angle Adopted 11-11-10
Angle Adopted 11-11-10 - Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 7 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted5 Oct 2010 (Updated 2 Dec 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
Very quiet and very adorable. Feels threatened when other adult cats come round her especially male cats but is alright with kittens. Toilet trained.
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Hello! there! What's going on?
Hello! there! What's going on?

Angle Adopted 11-11-10 - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Angle Adopted 11-11-10 - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Angle Adopted 11-11-10 - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

I like to stay high up as its a better view
I like to stay high up as its a better view

Angle Adopted 11-11-10 - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

I am inquisitive
I am inquisitive

Mmm..... so you are not coming up.  Thats good
Mmm..... so you are not coming up. Thats good

Please don't come up
Please don't come up

Heh  ... don't come near me.
Heh ... don't come near me.

I like grooming myself. You know I must be clean otherwise.......my white coat shows
I like grooming myself. You know I must be clean otherwise.......my white coat shows

I am feeling sleepy
I am feeling sleepy

I can sleep here too
I can sleep here too

I feel save high up here
I feel save high up here

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Share your comments here17 Comments
azmyrax   Oct 5th 2010 at 5:23PM
i didnt know Angel was up for adoption! would have adopted her :D but oh well i have 2 males at home even Osim the manja one feel very threatened. my white cat Eskimo very possessive he doesnt like to share me with Osim so he got very jealous everytime I hug Osim. my black cat loves to make friends so he is okay with Osim, but Osim is still very shy2 cat around him :P
onghongeng   Oct 5th 2010 at 5:53PM
Well don't worry which one is meant for you is been chosen by God. See if you adopt Angle may be she wil not get along with Eskimo ya! both also possessive.Well anyway once you manage to train them to get along you may consider Angle again if she is still available. Ya?
reendr   Oct 5th 2010 at 6:55PM
she is so pretty... don't have any cat with white fur yet...hmm
iicha   Oct 5th 2010 at 7:15PM
so cute..but I already adopt alot ..hope you find good home for her
azmyrax   Oct 5th 2010 at 7:16PM
angel is an angel! shes a very polite but posh too ^^. plus shes spayed! :):)
reendr   Oct 5th 2010 at 7:31PM
azmyrax - almost the same like ur eskimo..hehe
azmyrax   Oct 6th 2010 at 9:10AM
reendr: so true! they look the same except that Angel is so much chubbier plus her fur is so soft
reendr   Oct 6th 2010 at 6:01PM
do u think she can mix around with my Tom? hmmm..
onghongeng   Oct 7th 2010 at 2:46AM
Hi! reendr, I'm not too sure. even with my other cats around she doesn't want any cat to come near her. so long as other cats don go near her she is alright. she wants to be just alone and observe what others are doing. She doesn't disturb others too. If your Tom doesn't ganggu dia ok lah then.
missroses   Oct 7th 2010 at 3:35PM
i did not have any pet... urmmm
so cute... may i adopt her...
onghongeng   Oct 10th 2010 at 3:44AM
missroses, r u sure u do not hv any pets?...???....mmm....mmmm.
Abuzam   Oct 13th 2010 at 4:13AM
i like this cat.can i keep her?
onghongeng   Oct 14th 2010 at 3:20AM
Sory Abuzam, shes booked. wil consider u if not adopted. thank u for yr interest.

Abuzam   Oct 14th 2010 at 8:24PM
lets me know if she is available okey=)
onghongeng   Oct 16th 2010 at 5:17PM
Actually I am looking for a RESPONSIBLE person who is CARING and can afford and willing to bring the cat for check up and pay for her necessities. I do not want someone to adopt her, for their mother (who doesn't kn how to care) nor a student to adopt n temporary put her to the care of their friend...and so forth....or foreign students to adopt then when they finished their studies n want to return to their country the cat will be put up for adoption.

Also there r some who will abandon their cats when their cats grow old with sickness and needs caring and u need to spend money for that.

They feel frustrated.....eeeeddd to do all the cleaning when the sick cat mess up. They feel that cats r jus animals, no need to spend money for that jus chuck them away....ay.. (sebenarnya kedekut)

Then they begin to adopt new kittens.

Pls DO NOT adopt any kittens or cats just because they look ADORABLE, CUTE, COMEL....etc...
and you like them.

Adopt them if YOU will B RESPONSIBLE as they will b vry good company to you and make them feel a part of the family even as they grow old.

Some cats prefer indoors while others like to roam outdoors, but make sure that they r safe from DOGS, POUNDERS, cat kinappers ....etc. You have to adopt the cat to suit yr hs settings so that the cat and owner will b happy.

Be Sincere adopters, and NO TRADERS please.

Concerned Amy
kiinie   Oct 27th 2010 at 9:11PM
is she available???
marcelleve   Oct 30th 2010 at 10:06PM
How are you and Angle with the rest of your cats?
You can call me Eve. I have been looking for cat for adoption. Although I am capable to take care of her (financially, physically & emotionally) since I don't have children but I am living currently in Langkawi Island. I tried searching here but they need only few months to foster their pets but I got attached easily so I feel really sad if the cat I'm taking care of is with me for just 5 months. I like all animals but the place where I currently living . they only accept cats and do not create noise for the expat neighbor. Your cat has plenty of garden to exercise and play, if you can accept to send him until Langkawi? I am Malaysian married with an expat husband. I am helping my husband running our own perfume business and since I can't have children anymore, I would love to take any of your cats as long as they are vaccinated and dewormed or spayed ( can take only one). The trip for them is far and I'm worried that you cat might pick up something during cargo ( that's only to clariify) actually we can do it here. I am just worried for the cat, that's all. Thank you so much.

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