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   « Back To Listing Si Kental & Si Manja *urgent*
Si Kental & Si Manja *urgent* - Domestic Short Hair + Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair + Domestic Medium Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 14 Years 8 Months
Amount2 Pets
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationPudu, Kuala Lumpur
Posted29 Sep 2010 (Updated 19 Oct 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
They can be either DSH or DMH. Not sure which one. Since they are still small. These 2 Kittens need home urgently! Mereka sangat comel. If you are interested to adopt one of them, please let me know. Do email me or call me. No sms will be entertained.

*Still under treatment, they have some fleas(ligat main aci ligan *phew), little fungus and ear mite problem. Should recover(*pray) within 2-3 weeks.Kalau berminat nak adopt, kena tunggu 2-3 minggu sebab nak pulihkan mereka dulu. Pray for that people*

p/s: Si ayu will be adopted by me. ;)

update 8/10/2010: si kental is release for adoption again as the previous adopter tak jadi nak amik pulak..hhuhu..sadis sungguh..mari adopt kental jom!

13/10/2010: the only one left is Kental..anyone? kental ni kucing yg bijak taw..manja pulak..please consider in adopting black cat macam kental ni..;)

19/10/2010: Kental is no longer on adoption..he is staying in my house with Ayu..and finally, i've made up my mind..i want to keep kental as my pet..i just love him..thanks for anyone who is interested with him..i am sorry..
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Please bring us home!
Please bring us home!

again, kental dgn muka comel blur dia..muka mtk tlg org baik hati adopt dia..please adopt him!
again, kental dgn muka comel blur dia..muka mtk tlg org baik hati adopt dia..please adopt him!

kwn baik! tengok kental kacak je kn!
kwn baik! tengok kental kacak je kn!

excited nk mandi nmpk! haha
excited nk mandi nmpk! haha

after mandi..tengok fungus2 tuh! Tapi kental paling kurg antara semua taw..
after mandi..tengok fungus2 tuh! Tapi kental paling kurg antara semua taw..

Adopt us!
Adopt us!

Exploring the new place
Exploring the new place

Makan ayam rebus
Makan ayam rebus

Poor Manja!
Poor Manja!

Bertindak segera!
Bertindak segera!

1st tyme reach home.
1st tyme reach home.

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Ayu & Kental
Owner's Pet

Page: 1 2 3    46 Comments
marissa528   Oct 12th 2010 at 9:07PM
Yo Adrian.. All kitties are doing fine, and ready to be rehomed. One of them, Manja have been adopted this evening. Thanks to Farha for her kind interest. (^_^)/

Now only left Kental and Ayu, but Wawa will coming on Thursday to pick them up. Kental is the most playful among all and has the most 'penyet' nose. Not sure they are short or medium hair, but seems that the fur a lil bit flurry compared to other strays.

Hopefully someone out there interested in adopting Kental.

And as mentioned by Wawa, all now are toilet trained, dewormed, free fleas, and able to eat and drink from the bowl. So there will be not much trouble..

The only concerns now are to make sure to bring them to vet for vaccination, applying fungal creme until they are fungal-free and once in a while clean and put some ear mite drop to their ears.

Haha.. Do i sound like over explaining here? Forgive me Tuan Tanah, Wawa. Hik.
nurazuawawa   Oct 12th 2010 at 9:18PM
kak mar: nagis x mase farha dtg amik Manja?? hehe..bestla arini Manja tdo tempat baru kn..tggal kental & ayu je..bersabar ye ayu & manja..nt mama dtg! hahaha

p/s: tuan tanah? xla..haha..wawa tlg post kn je..hahah
marissa528   Oct 12th 2010 at 9:24PM
Ahahaha.. tak sempat nak nangis, penat berkejar balik umah dari opis tadi. uhuhhu sbb tu kena rehome cepat2 sebelum datang sayang tu. ni pun Kental & Ayu nak manja2 akak wat2 bodo je... tak bleh attached sgt kang tak bleh nak lepas. huhu.

*taip sambil Kental tido kat sebelah* Ikut hati nak je bela kental ni.. dia sgt2 bijak and pandai amik hati tau. huhu.
nurazuawawa   Oct 12th 2010 at 9:36PM
huhu..mesti lebih kurg BB je tu tyme kecik3 kn..hehe..mse sape cream fungus aritu pon dia xbanyak ragam..elok je perangai..huhu..wawa xleh lama ni on PF..kne study..esok test..wuwu..take care kak mar..;)

farha: nt buatla profile baru utk manja kalau ade mase..;) TQVM
abfarha   Oct 12th 2010 at 10:29PM
bagus la manja tu..mase nk bwk balik td die duduk senyap jer..tdo kat paha farha..sampai rumah die explore sane sini skit..tp dia takut dgn rexxy..rexxy tu riuh pastu terkinja sane sini..manja pandai main sendri n dia still nyuruk2 lg..mase letak dgn rexy dlm cage pun die x meragam..tp rexxy suke menyakat..bdk tu tgh buang air pun rexxy g main ekor die..adoiilaaa..cian manja..sib baik x byk ragam dia..hihi..
excited pulak citer pasal manja..haha..

Wawa:nt farha wat profile utk die..
marissa528   Oct 12th 2010 at 10:49PM
Wawa: A'a mmg kental ni macam bb kecik2 dulu. Cara dia pandang camera pun sama. haha. Test? wah! good luck for the test, pi baca buku~

Farha: Suke dengar Manja ok dgn Farha. Since Rexxy & Manja tu kitten rasa takde masalah untuk derang berbaik2. Comelnye dengar Rexxy kacau ekor manja.. hahaha.. cute! Farha, in case tetiba nampak fungal spot rexxy, u just apply that creme to him jugak la. And utk elak kot2 terjangkit, nanti mandikan Rexxy & Manja tu dulu dgn Fungus shampoo yang saya bagi tu. Huhu.. *risau kalau jangkit kat rexy* Huhu..
nurazuawawa   Oct 13th 2010 at 11:59AM
kak mar: hehe..pndg kamera same? hehe..eh, wawa smlm sempat edit 1 pic kte mse cat show..nt wawa letak kt Fb mlm sikit ye..;) *type sambil bace note biomarkers, ahaks*

farha: wah..bestla..manja smpai3 rumah dah ade geng! cpt sungguh dia bonding dgn farha..siap tdo kt paha lg..hehe..rexxy excited la tuh..nk kacau lebih3, kang kene marah dgn mama dia..so, main ekor jela..hahah *duduk kt sini bace dgn hati bunge2 riang sbb tahu manja bahgia kt sne ;)*
adrian, di mana kamooo? hehe
marissa528   Oct 14th 2010 at 11:19AM
Sila study dulu ye.. itu penentu masa depan anda *chewahhhh- berkata2 dengan begitu penuh motibasi* Kalau ada gambar, i likeee je. hehe. Anyway, hari ni wa datang petang/malam? are u sure want to take Kental sekali? Wawa bleh ke nak keep dia? if cant, letak je kat umah akak dulu sampai kita dapat adopter.
nurazuawawa   Oct 14th 2010 at 12:50PM
hehe..tgh wt lab report plak skrg ni..serabut kepala..wawa gerak dari shah alam dalam pukul 5-6pm jugak la..klu kak mar tak kesah nak jaga kental smpai dapat adopter, leh la kental dok situ lg..;)
marissa528   Oct 14th 2010 at 1:54PM
Kalau camtu ok la, akak simpan kental sampai kita dapat adopter dia. Jumpa wawa petang nanti ye...
abfarha   Oct 15th 2010 at 11:39PM
nak update that manja doing fine here..she is so adorable..!!! Lepas penat main die panjat kat farha dok jilat2 be4 die tdo dkt baby cot :p tp mase main die x ske org kaco..active tp in way of lemah lembut..fungus tu jer x baik2 lg..nak sapu ubat agak susah..mama die pun dah gatal2 jugak ni..huhu..
nurazuawawa   Oct 16th 2010 at 12:11AM
salam farha..;) pasal fungus tu kene sabar byk3..hehe..xmandikan dia pakai syampoo fungus ker? wawa pon dah amik ayu..hehe..
abfarha   Oct 16th 2010 at 7:02AM
mandi dah pkai shampoo fungus..sapu ubat lpas mandi..dok galak sgt nk main..time nk main die x hirau org dah..huhu..ayu punye fungus da ok?
nurazuawawa   Oct 16th 2010 at 12:59PM
x ok lagi...slow3 pulihkan dua ekor tuh..hehe..sama je prangai dorg..klu time main, xhirau org kn..hehe
marissa528   Oct 16th 2010 at 1:06PM
Ala.. sedih dengr mama Manja dah gatal2. Ni note utk Farha & Wawa juga. go and buy Sanitizer. Yang dettol pon ok gak dalam rm4 utk satu botol kecik. every nite after apply that creme, bsuh tangan pakai sabun, keringkan dan pakai sanitizer tu. utk avoid lekat kat kita gatal2.

Lagi satu, bila apply creme tu, letak kitten atas satu kain buruk/ kain yang tak pakai. sbb expected utk fungus tu nanti akan jatuh lepas sapu creame. biar dia jatuh atas lapik kain buruk tu. lepas tu, basuh kain tu dengan air panas.

Insyallah tak jangkit kat kita nanti. *akak belajar ni waktu dulu dengan snowy. kulit kaki sensitip i pun kena jangkit gak dulu. huhu.
nurazuawawa   Oct 16th 2010 at 2:07PM
aye aye captain! hehe TQ kak mar
abfarha   Oct 17th 2010 at 9:28AM
ooo..patut la gatal gak..x lapik kain pun..kdg2 die tgh tido tu farha sapu..baekk..!
nurazuawawa   Oct 17th 2010 at 2:11PM
hehe..lapik taw farha..;)

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