They can be either DSH or DMH. Not sure which one. Since they are still small. These 2 Kittens need home urgently! Mereka sangat comel. If you are interested to adopt one of them, please let me know. Do email me or call me. No sms will be entertained.
*Still under treatment, they have some fleas(ligat main aci ligan *phew), little fungus and ear mite problem. Should recover(*pray) within 2-3 weeks.Kalau berminat nak adopt, kena tunggu 2-3 minggu sebab nak pulihkan mereka dulu. Pray for that people*
p/s: Si ayu will be adopted by me. ;)
update 8/10/2010: si kental is release for adoption again as the previous adopter tak jadi nak amik pulak..hhuhu..sadis sungguh..mari adopt kental jom!
13/10/2010: the only one left is Kental..anyone? kental ni kucing yg bijak taw..manja pulak..please consider in adopting black cat macam kental ni..;)
19/10/2010: Kental is no longer on adoption..he is staying in my house with Ayu..and finally, i've made up my mind..i want to keep kental as my pet..i just love him..thanks for anyone who is interested with him..i am sorry..
Now only left Kental and Ayu, but Wawa will coming on Thursday to pick them up. Kental is the most playful among all and has the most 'penyet' nose. Not sure they are short or medium hair, but seems that the fur a lil bit flurry compared to other strays.
Hopefully someone out there interested in adopting Kental.
And as mentioned by Wawa, all now are toilet trained, dewormed, free fleas, and able to eat and drink from the bowl. So there will be not much trouble..
The only concerns now are to make sure to bring them to vet for vaccination, applying fungal creme until they are fungal-free and once in a while clean and put some ear mite drop to their ears.
Haha.. Do i sound like over explaining here? Forgive me Tuan Tanah, Wawa. Hik.