Princess is a cat we found at Sg Ular, a place i nag out at. We decided to adopt her since we had Whisky and he was so lonesome when we were away. I fell in love with her from the 1 st time i saw her as a little kitten. But decided to leave her with mommmy a little longer and one of my fishermen friend agreed to look out for her till we could take her. Unfortunately i was suddenly sent to Sabah on a tour of duty, and had to postpone her rescue till i got back. The first thing i did when i got back was to go look for her.... and of course since we were bringing her home, she was no where to be found. But the fishermen kept assuring me that she was around.... somewhere. After 2 hours we finally found her sleeping in a closed stall.... home we went and Whisky had fright of his life at the sight of another cat..... Lol... he hid for a couple of hours and would not come out to say hello.... but Princess even the patient girl made friends with him...... after a few days. They are a delight to watch playing....