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   « Back To Listing Bubba Taboom
Bubba Taboom - Domestic Short Hair Cat
Owner's Pet
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 20 Years 5 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorGolden, Yellow, White
LocationKl, Kuala Lumpur
Posted2 Jul 2008
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Bubba is a rescue and he had a sister; Lola. They was dropped at the vet by some random person who found him and paid them to have them put to sleep. Of course that would never happen. The vet used the money to vaccinate and have them dewormed, plus they knew I would consider taking them in. Bubba and Lola was at least 4 months old. In the first few days Lola had very high fever, so I brought her back to the vet and I was told to make sure she doesn't get out of the house. But I had to bring 3 more cats, means 3 more rounds back to the clinic (my travelling cages weren't big enough and I walked twice before) anyway, before I left, I made sure she was on the chair cushion, wrapped warmly in a blanket and that I get her to sleep. That was the last time I saw her. Cause a little after I left, my maid said she woke up and loitered around the house. I got home, drenched because of the rain out, looking for her. I was worried for her, with the thunder and the rain worsening, I was scared. By sundown it was drizzling and I began looking for her everywhere. I searched every corner, outside the gate, backdoor and nothing. I even told Bubba to help me find her. My mum told me "that she's gonna be ok and that I should eat something. plus the neighbours will hear you cat calling in the middle of the night" so I said "the only thing I am worried about is the one we can't even hear" .

Bubba's a funny character. I taught him how to roll and play dead like an opossum (he'd stay still for a couple of minutes). His meow cries are the sweetest, I'd be in my room with the window open, he'd be sit at the backdoor stairs and start meowing loudly. When he was a kitten, he loved sleeping in my bags (the ones hanging on the bedpost) and there were many times when I'm from college, I'd find him sleeping soundly on my bed or when I get home after holidays abroad.

He still loves being in paper bags, I used to simply hang it on the doorknob and he'll just stay in there. I can't do that now cause he's much heavier and flabbier.

Bubba's first family holiday was Christmas. The night I was putting up and decorating the tree, he was busy playing and jumping in and out of the boxes. When I turned to watch him play, his head got stuck between the flaps and was choking. As soon as I got him free, I thought he'd run to to play with something else, but he just loved those boxes and the messiness around me.

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Bubba Taboom - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Bubba Taboom - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Bubba Taboom - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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