this is a teddy bear rabbit for sale,it was a very special rabbit as it was in a mini size..
I know that most of you would say that there are no such things as MINI RABBIT but you can see it for yourself..this rabbit is already at the age of 3months but its the size of a 1month old rabbit..
She's really special not only due to her size,but her personality too as she was one playful rabbit,very hyper and when you are close to her,she will answers to your call.
the reason im selling her is due to that i have 3dogs myself..
I only wants serious buyers please!!!
text me if you wants her and i'll call you back asap....@need to find her a good home ASAP!
selling at the price of rm400
*rabbit travelling back which cost rm100
Price can be NEGO but only for serious buyers and rabbit lovers!