Blackie is a mother cat of the lil' kitten Orangy. She is a very protective mother towards Orangy. My aunt told me that she could not ignore her and her lil' kitten but to feed them everyday and this made Blackie and her lil' kitten to stay outside of her house. My aunt did not take them back into her house as her current house is having 2 dogs. Blackie is just a name i named him for this adoption, he is not owned by anyone and his cleanliness problem is rather minor. There are some fungal infection on her neck and some yet to be confirmed at the body. Her condition is as the time i visited my aunt on 05/09/10. Anyone interested to adopt this cat will have to travel to my aunt's house personally to collect as i don't stay with my aunt, located at Ampang Jaya, a condo near Kelab Darul Ehsan Ampang. My aunt would be glad to have adopter to take care of them appropriately. Any adopter interested will have to provide Blackie a brand new clean and loving environment.
hi indy81, kucing ini cuma ada fungal on skin. sakit demam lain tak dapat dikesan pada masa saya lawat blackie di rumah makcik saya.
sesiapa yang berminat adopt kucing ini perlu membawanya ke vet untuk buat complete inspection agar ia tidak mempunyai penyakit yang tak dapat dikesan pada luaran. saya juga tidak pasti bahawa kucing ini pernah dapat vaccination dan deworm, ditambah oleh makcik saya, bulu si blackie ini dulu kelihatan cantik dan terjaga, ia mungkin pernah dimiliki oleh seorang tuan sebelum ia pergi ke rumah makcik saya.
reenacute sounds like a hoarder or really someone who wants to adopt. We should hear her side of the story first b4 we point to others. Everyone deservers a chance right?
hi BobChinWoo, if you are interested to adopt, you will have to provide blackie a full medical checkup, and if nessasary you will have to bear all cost for her treatment regardless minor or major. i am just providing an info of adoption for blackie here.
hi Sphinxlover, yes everyone deserves a chance, macgyverjune just told me to becareful and did not ask to no put reenacute86 in my shortlist. thanks for your advice too.
omg, she's a beauty :) remind me of one of cats I've rescued b4, matric (but she's a short hair tabby). R u sure does not own by anyone? interested, dun mind her condition.
hi elrida, my aunt claimed that blackie seems to looked like she was cared before during the time when my aunt first saw blackie. but now she is not owned by anyone as blackie would just stay around my aunt's backyard. she's a lovely domestic short hair though. her current condition needs a lot of extensive treatment before being put into your home.
let me know if you are still interested to adopt blackie. thanks.
kucing ni sakit ape?