i believe to my friend.she will take a good care of them.kami pernah adopt & take care kucing dr vet kelana jaya(kt profile pic i) & smp skrg diorg sihat sejahtera.i jg pernah pergi rumah member i tgk ada kucing yg dia dh jaga hampir 5-6 years.She is very cat lover. i hope i can give this kitten for her birthday.
kan kak hana..sebijik russian blue kot..attitude kcg ni sgt bagus.. mmg marisa punye ade org offer 1k kot.harap2 adopter nanti bukan mate duitan..betul kak hana ckp psal byb ni.. lg2 kat pf ni yg pangkat2 guru pun ade byb kak.. kcg penuh fungus jual kat org..
Thanks Camelia for letting me to adopt them.. Hopefully they will grow bigger and older healthily.. =)
To those who have doubts about my intention - you are always welcome to visit my house anytime to see them.. =) .. And again, like I said b4, I will never buy a cat at any cost, moreover when the stories keep changing!! =) Same goes to those who insists they need to spay the cats before letting go.. it should also be a decision by adopter to do it later. I make enough money from my profession to support them with food and medical attention they may need from time to time. =) Lastly, I am not interested for reselling or BYB. =)Hope I make it clear, thanks. =)
Mimi might be gestating (pregnant). The vet says it should show in 2 weeks if it is real, else it could be hormonal problem for lactating mother cats. If she is really preggie, to those who is interested, I will open the kitties for adoption when they start weaning - say in 4 months from now.
And then, no more offspring as she will be spayed. =)