Tuah joins our family about 2 months ago.. he was a scaredy cat before.. will hide at every opportunity he has.. He was caged all his life and when he moves in with us, we let him roam free in the apartment.
He is a deformed munchkin, his hind legs are longer that can stretch all the way to his ears.. Kinda cute when he sleeps like "katak babab" like my newphew says it..
He is now the naughtiest among all.. He loves main kejar-kejar with Bella and will chase Abe's long bushy tail whenever Abe is relaxing or waggling his tail. Hehehehe.. He has unique meow.. kinda tenor voice like.. haha.. Well, he will hide under the bed whenever he did something wrong and will come licking your fingers when he wants me to help scratching his back #due to his deformity, he can't really garu his back or even ears when it's itchy.. He will drool when you scratch his back.. hehehehe.. sedap sangat la tuh! :)
**will upload the pictures soon**