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   « Back To Listing Miwako
Miwako - British Shorthair Cat
CatBritish Shorthair
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 7 Months
BodyLarge Size, Short Fur
ColorYellow, Gray, White
MKA CertYes
LocationSri Kembangan, Selangor, Selangor
Posted27 Aug 2010 (Updated 5 Jan 2011)
PriceRM 800
I just got a Kucing from Kuching!
Miwako just arrived yesterday,
she is huge...
has a very tiny voice..
cute face to die for..
nice fur..
big fat like teddy bear makes u wanna hug her.

p/s:thanks manekineko cattery!she is such an adorable.

miwako, i will hold on to you as long as i can, till you can accept me. take your time, dear.
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Miwako - British Shorthair Cat

Miwako - British Shorthair Cat

Miwako - British Shorthair Cat

Miwako - British Shorthair Cat

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jigokushojo18   Sep 17th 2010 at 10:20PM
big sized cats are normal when you're a native in northern america most of the cats in america britain are huge compared to the cats in malaysia. Big to us but normal to them.
ManekiNeko   Sep 17th 2010 at 10:33PM
Hi, Tedi -- I'm just curious: was it difficult to bring your lovely Miwako over from Sarawak? Much paperwork? Quarantine?

(And no, I'm no relation to the cattery in Kuching. :-)
Tedi   Sep 18th 2010 at 5:37PM
thanks all for the compliment. =)
and manekineko,
its not difficult coz dr huey(the cattery) is such a nice person, she helps me a lot and tell me what to do, she even got someone to help me claiming miwako. but that someone told me that it was a quite tiring process. All i had to do was just require an import permit from putrajaya.=)
toffeecino   Sep 21st 2010 at 4:04PM
I've always wanted a BSH cat. I have 2 mixed BSH.
They will still have their cute baby face, even when they get older, and they don't vocalize so much. One demerit though, they are not a lap cat.
They love to sit near us happily, but they will not sit on our lap.
Tedi   Sep 22nd 2010 at 1:35PM
toffeecino : i wanted one too till i get her. i dont think i ll suit to this type of cat, from my reading, they are very timid. not so people oriented. and yes she is. she is so hard to handle, shed a lot and not friendly at all.. im kinda frustated with the way she behaved. =(
Rizalmn   Sep 22nd 2010 at 1:50PM
hi Tedi. It takes time to bond a relationship even with human, moreover Miwako is still new to a home, I reckon she's from a cattery?

Spend a little bit more time with her.. maybe get some tips from experienced BSH pet owners? I had few cats back home which my Mom saved from the streets, took us almost a year to tame them down (they will scratch us when we hold them to nurse their illnesses), and another year to be able to pat them.. Hahaha..

Wish you all the best with Miwako.. try bribe her with kitty tit bits? =)

macgyverjune   Sep 22nd 2010 at 2:02PM
Tedi,every cat is different with their own personality. You shud't give up easily. You shud see my Max & Daybonk. Daybonk takes 2 years to be tame and Max is the destroyer in the house. Can u imagine how I have to handle this 2 cats?? Patience is the key. You need to be patient. If you can handle cats behaviour then you can have your own kids. Remember, u can always get rid of bad cats but you can't get rid of your own kids (if you have your own one day).
Tedi   Sep 23rd 2010 at 1:47PM
rizal.yes, she is. i never had experience before with cats that took 2-3 years.she is the first. thats why im kinda freak out.heheh.. i guess im already used to have to ignore her in the house.but i can;t stand when she gaduh2 with Miko, pity for her as she seems so disturbed when Miko starts going wacky and chased her to play. when miko is in his sane state, she is just fine with him. hehe. on the other hand, i pity miko too as he got no friend to snuggle like he did. btw, what is kitty bits?i tried so many treats i bought but they never eats it, at last i ended by giving them vanila ice cream once a while.its ok right?hehe..
mac:yeah, ive talk to my hubby bout this..mybe i shud still hold on to her, kinda practice for me when i got my own kids one day.heheh..and oh, she eats so little now?does anyone know why?and miko too, after i spayed him. and i read that bsh is a big eater... .
macgyverjune   Sep 23rd 2010 at 1:59PM
Tedi, don't give your cat ice cream. Ice cream contain lactose. Not good for cat. U shud introduce Miwako to Miko in stages. When Miwako first arrive, she need to be cage and you bring Miko to her. Let they sniff each other from the cage. Do that every day and after 2 or 3 weeks, release Miwako within her cage. Let her explore the house by herself.

Miko is one friendly cat & maybe Miwako are not used to that kind of attention. It seems that male cat are more friendly than female cat. Mine also like that. Slowly but surely Miwako and Miko will fast become good buddy. Only time will tell.
Tedi   Sep 23rd 2010 at 2:08PM
seriuosly?ok, wont give them any animore.. yes i did that n miwako i think has finished exploring the house.heheh..she knows every angle now.

thanks for the info!hope they will become good buddy as well..i pray for that.
toffeecino   Sep 23rd 2010 at 2:54PM
Dear Tedi,
From what I read, BSH are suppose to be easy-going indoor cats.
Macgyverjune is right. Cats are like human being.
Some people just click together the moment they met, and some will take ages before they can talk to you without hesitation,and so do cats.
My gummi-bear and jelli-bean which i adopted last November and December, still not okay with my other cats, while my 2 kitties borne in May, already can mingled with most of my cats.
patience is the key.When she get adjusted to the
current environment, she will start eating well.
And if Miko is a hyperactive cats, Miwako will need sometime to adjust, because BSH preferred cats with the same temperament as them.
p/s: about kitty treats, have you tried the red-fish sashimi. its a dried fish sashimi which cost only about 9 ringgit per pack, and contain no preservatives. My kree_mee (BSH mixed persian)
love this treat. She will even fight for them.
Tedi   Sep 26th 2010 at 5:45PM
just want to update.
actually i always update miwako's condition with dr.huey, the manekineko cattery owner. i always told her how miko kacau2 miwako and i can;t do anything bout it except took miko with me. She understand the situation, and agree with my action. which is let go. urgh. i feel bad even writing this, but u know i tried everything, and i think im done caging/separate both of them coz both of them dont like it, they dont fight, except when miko gets crazy. i am used to ve to ignore her, i dunt mind animore bout that, even her massive shedding, i bought new vacum, the roller, and bla2. but i always sleeps in worry at night. and btw, Miko jut destroy his 5-6th tissue roll yesterday. and just now he just destroyed my carbon paper. Urgh that boy.
nurkasih   Sep 26th 2010 at 8:22PM
get a pure breed Persian next time. They will just stare at you..do nothing..and laze around like no one business. they will even get along very well with others ( hopefully). That might suit your characteristics of a feline that you prefer. (^^)
adamyala   Sep 26th 2010 at 8:27PM
agree with nurkasih ~ my purebred persian does nothing but stare , eat and sleep. He doesnt even fight back when provoked by other cats. Haha ..
Tedi   Sep 27th 2010 at 3:21PM
quota suda penuh. cannot buy or adopt animore lah. Sometimes macam lucu pon ada, like you are having a very notty boy who loves to kacau2 his younger sister! when he heard my voice yelling his name then he stop, and then wait till 10 minutes he kacau again.. Btw, miwako is eating more than miko now, oh so relief! she eats ayam rebus, ikan rebus, OMG, dulu malu2.sekrang amik hah..haha
hopes she can adjust to miko's craziness. i would love to keep her actually.
hasnan   Dec 7th 2010 at 7:51AM
This one with CFA kan? Miwako ni garang tak? Dia suka org pegang tak?
marcelleve   Dec 7th 2010 at 10:38PM
Hi Tedi,

I also purchase from Dr. Huey (Manekineko Cattery). But Burmese kitten only (100 % lap cat)
She transported it all the way to Pulau Langkawi (9 hrs flight).
My kitten is ok, she is very active when she arrived.
She made several fans in MASKargo office.
BSH are not so active cats, they are very quite & mosts of the adult BSH don't like to be disturb now Miwako is 1 year old. especially, they are not 100% lap cats.
My kitten likes to be the only center in cat's world so we are still trying to train her to adapt from other cats which I always bring inside my cat bag to jalan2x or having cupa at Starbucks. So she will get used to with different people and stray cats. or play near the beach or have a walk in the garden. She is sensitive with different noise and smell. She don't like to step on dirt or watery place so if there's a little bit there she wouldn't pounce...hehe
She thinks she is a dog. She don't care if she's small. She pounce and scared away any animals moving. She just bit one bird in our balcony and lost few feathers.
I think Female got probs with other cats as well esp. Male cats. It will really take time. They are territorial same like mine.
Tedi   Dec 8th 2010 at 8:14AM
hi hasnan.
miwako xgrg, tp die xmixed with my other cat. not really friendly. thats why im selling her cheap.hurm i really never met this kinda cat. if anyone interested...pls beware about this. U should have other cat as her mate, but make sure the cat is not active, a lap cat will do.. i dun want anyone out there to feel dissapointed like i am. But im accepting it, the reason im selling is, she does not wana b friend with Miko..
When i bought/adopt any cats, i want a friend, not just a pet. she does not behave like one.
hi marcel..
glad your cat suits u..
but im afraid i really have to let go this one...
marcelleve   Dec 8th 2010 at 4:02PM
BSH temperament is normal like that in beginning, each purebred cat has its own temperament... mine is Burmese, very active 24/7, likes catnap but Burmese likes to play with human and takes times for them play with other pets.BSH don't like to be disturb esp she is still adapting in her new environment. BSH adult cat likes to live them alone for awhile, they are quite serious and likes only in solitary & more quite household 'coz of their high independence. She will go away if being disturb but if she get annoyed by constant (for her) disturbance she will fight. I like Burmese coz they never use their claw to you or your pets, they got really very big annoying growl.
I think, I can get her let me give some time, waiting for hubby's decision.
Please let me know when I can call you or you can send me an email to :e_vommer or : if you like to take fee reservation 1st.
Before I purchase or adopt unless mixed cats, I do my own research like Burmese female has a lot of difference with temperament in male. They are very dependent to human esp. interaction in everything you do - even taking a shower...u need to take more time 'coz Burmese are very active and they will wake you up and they sulk or sad by not eating or falling into sickness due to high level of stress when you don't have time for them.

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