Apeng is my cat back in my hometown in Seremban. Every weekend I always go back to see Apeng because I miss him so much. Apeng is very adorable and smart. He can understand me, talk to me and his eyes show emotions like no other cat can. Apeng knows his name that even if I were in the house and he is out to next door's house, I just need to shout "Apeng! Apeng come here!" and he will come, definitely. I think in his previous life, he was a handsome man. Why did I say that? That's because he's acting very un-cat-ly. He also always stares into the mirror and looks very deeply and then will meow in disbelief like, "I cant believe I'm a cat, now!". He will do this at least 4 times a day.
He likes to play polis sentri with me, he likes to chase me around and then 'sep' me then I will 'jadi' and it's my turn to chase him back. He's a smart, handsome, tall, gorgeous cat.
Apeng has passed away today at 240pm. We were almost there at the vet for a 3o'clock appointment. He was a strong and very unselfish cat. Apeng has died peacefully he looks as if he is sleeping, he even smiled. We love you Apeng, Abah especially deepenly sad when you are gone. Abah and mak have lost their loyal bestfriend, and me and along love you terribly much. May you rest in peace and know that our prayers are always with you
Apeng is my cat back in my hometown in Seremban. Every weekend I always go back to see Apeng because I miss him so much. Apeng is very adorable and smart. He can understand me, talk to me and his eyes show emotions like no other cat can. Apeng knows his name that even if I were in the house and he is out to next door's house, I just need to shout "Apeng! Apeng come here!" and he will come, definitely. I think in his previous life, he was a handsome man. Why did I say that? That's because he's acting very un-cat-ly. He also always stares into the mirror and looks very deeply and then will meow in disbelief like, "I cant believe I'm a cat, now!". He will do this at least 4 times a day.
He likes to play polis sentri with me, he likes to chase me around and then 'sep' me then I will 'jadi' and it's my turn to chase him back. He's a smart, handsome, tall, gorgeous cat.
Apeng has passed away today at 240pm. We were almost there at t…
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and LOL comelnya tengok cermin. *squishes apeng*