Cat Domestic Short Hair + Domestic Medium Hair
Profile Mixed Gender, 5 Months
Amount 4 Pets
Vaccinated Yes
Dewormed Yes
Spayed No
Condition Healthy
Body Small Size, Short Fur
Color Black, Golden, Yellow
Location Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang
Posted 9 Jan 2025
Adoption Fee RM 50
Four kitten adventurers, rescued from the wild streets!
Empat kucing kecil yang berani, diselamatkan dari jalanan!
Future spay and neuter champions, for a better kitty world!
Juara spay dan neuter masa depan, untuk dunia kucing yang lebih baik!
Purrfect companions, just waiting for their forever homes!
Sahabat purrfect, menunggu rumah selamanya!
4 kittens for adoption...thy were found on the street. Adopters must neuter them once thy are 6 months old.
4 anak kucing untuk diambil sebagai haiwan peliharaan... mereka ditemui di jalan. Pengadopsi mesti mensterilkan mereka sebaik sahaja mereka berusia 6 bulan.
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