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Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat
For Adoption
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 4 Years 3 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted12 Dec 2024 (Updated 24 Feb 2025)
Adoption FeeFREE
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StarBoy: The charming cat with a flair for lap-sitting and cuddles! His eyes may be cloudy, but his spirit is crystal clear! Adopt StarBoy for a purr-fectly magical companion!
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Buy a book and help us save StarBoy’s eye.

A Message on behalf of StarBoy - Malaysia

A few days after new year I was about to leave home when a small black cat came to my gate. He looked straight at me and walked in, up the stairs and towards me. He was a bit bedraggled but confident, friendly and hopefully. He looked at me straight in the eye as if to say I was told i would be able to help him. But I was in a hurry and I had to tell him that I couldn’t take him in as one of my cats is deeply paranoid and cat anti-social.

When I came back later that evening he was waiting outside my house in the drizzle. He came trotting over. It was late. I really can’t adopt you, I said. That’s ok he said, but if it’s ok I’ll take shelter on your porch, it’s starting to rain and I don’t feel so good.

The next morning he was still there, sneezing and watery-eyed but friendly. When I sat down he jumped onto my lap and leant against me. He sat there patiently while I stroked him. I am Lazarus, raised from the dead. But I’m in need of help. He was just lovely. There was a quiet, emotional intelligence and trust in him. I brought him in, fed him and called him StarBoy. There’s something a bit magic about him.

I had him neutered and treated for upper respiratory issues. He stayed in my spare room and bathroom. He was playful and awfully affectionate, lying across my chest or curled up near my feet, calm, purring, gentle, patient, sweet, always happy to see me when I came into the room, stretching and climbing up to boink my head. In short he was adorable. I fell in love very quickly. But something wasn’t quite right with his eyes.

Unfortunately a week later I was in hospitalised with dengue. So my dear friend Sherrina, from KL’s Pet Adoption Network took him to her place to look after him. Two vets who examined him noticed a persistent cloudiness that came and went in both eyes.

Turns out StarBoy has something called Entropion - the edges of the eyelid roll inward, causing his eyelashes to rub against his eyes. It’s an extremely painful condition. It’s very likely StarBoy was born this way. The vets think he’s about 4 years old. He's so social and good natured with Sherrina’s other rescue cats it feels he must have had a home previously. I have no idea how he survived the streets or how he remains so calm and gentle despite the constant rubbing pain.

Sherrina took him to an eye specialist to see if anything could be done. Turns out Entropion can be corrected permanently with surgery. If he doesn’t have it done the eye will keep rubbing and scarring till he goes blind. And he will be in pain.

The estimated cost is RM 6,000 per eye. It isn’t a small sum we know.

Dr. Nadzariah Cheng*** is the surgeon who has agreed to operate on Starboy. It’s a long, tricky, delicate procedure. When she met Starboy she hugged him close. She has a soft spot for black cats. They are super intelligent and he’s special.

He’s currently at Sherrina’s and has recently developed a close, loving bond with a rescue kitten called Da Shang who he took under his wing. It was love at first sight, even if that sight is a little cloudy. Starboy has strong nurturing instincts.

We are also looking for a home for both Starboy and Da Shang either together or separately.

***A specialist in veterinary ophthalmology, registered with the Malaysian College of Veterinary Specialists. A Post-Graduate Diploma in Small Animal Medicine & Surgery from Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. Her work includes treating eye conditions caused by cataracts, glaucoma, retinal degeneration, eyelid abnormalities, infections, trauma, and even genetic diseases.

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Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Starboy - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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