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   « Back To Listing Old: Tag 162
Old: Tag 162 - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 18 Years 11 Months
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
NeuteredNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationAra Damansara, Selangor
Posted24 Jun 2008 (Updated 4 Mar 2009)
Adoption FeeEnquire
Pls call PAWS @for details.
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Old: Tag 162 - Mixed Breed Dog

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leej   Jun 27th 2008 at 11:10PM
Hi AndyKoh:
Today,I go to PAWS already,they said: they don't
have dog is this number(PF1372). so,how can I check this dog in the where? Thank you so much!!!
AndyKoh   Jun 27th 2008 at 11:29PM
Leej, actually PAWS has their own tagging system, i.e. Tag 115, Tag 101 etc. However, some of the dogs' tag information might not be available at our website.

The best would be to print out this page's picture of the dog and show them. You can also look around their compound to see all the available dogs, or describe the dog's characteristics to them.
Nicoleloveanimals   Jun 27th 2008 at 11:44PM
Hi Andy,
I've just called PAWS today.
The woman/ladies (i'm not sure) told me tht if the phone picked up by wrong person there, they might behaved impatient and unfriendly.
You need to talk to the person-in-charge there, that would only lead you to a correct information and direction of adopting that dog.
Frankly speaking, I called twice today, the second time was a complaint regarding to my previous called to PAWs of not cheacking the availability of those waiting adoption dogs.
AndyKoh   Jun 27th 2008 at 11:47PM
Hi Nicole, thanks for the update. Who should we suggest the adopters get in touch with at PAWS for accurate information?
Nicoleloveanimals   Jun 28th 2008 at 7:22PM
Hi Andy,
I think talk to the chinese lady (but I don't know her name)will give you a clearer picture on those dog you're looking.
I think PAWS is still confusing peoples, because I purposely visited there today (saturday)to have a real look on some of the dogs. Once I asked about the dog posted on petfinder TagXXX, the ah pek threw you back a question is P or T..?Something like that even though I have told him is a dog instead a cat. Was it a mislead information here? Or just the Ah pek didn't know the system there? Would like to know the person who updates those awaiting adoption dog on this website, so that we could contact him/her directly, otherwise for those who really wants to adopt a dog from PAWS ends up with give up, because very confusing. And, the phone call is very substantial as well. Normally peoples will proceed to call first then only follow up by visiting there. Can you contact and let us know who is the person-in-charge we need to talk to? So that next time will not be so struggle on spending so much time explaining about the dog with TagXXX and ended up with nothing!
But somehow in PAWS, the condition is far more better then what's my imagination... the animals cares taken by the peoples there are good enough for a non profit organisation.
Hope those who love animals, if is economicaly permitted, make a donation for those like SPCA,PAWS....even though if you don't want to have a pet.
AndyKoh   Jun 29th 2008 at 1:50PM
Hi Nicole, unfortunately right now PAWS does not have the resources or time to directly manage the profiles here. We have volunteers that go there to take photos and capture some profile information, but it is subjected to their availability. Therefore, it is a bit tough to ensure profile consistency at the moment

I'm sure the procedures can be improved, once PAWS have more time and resources to directly manage it, or when we have more volunteers to liaise with them.
LeRoy   Jun 30th 2008 at 1:01PM
Okay, this is how things work at paws. Our tags run with an Alpha-numeric tag. P for Puppies and D are for Dogs. So if you go to paws and ask for PF1372, all in all, the people in PAWS will not be able to give you a direct match as we don't run with that record.

As AndyKoh has said, the shelter does not have enough manpower to compare the records at PF and PAWS, therefore relying on volunteers to bridge the gap.

All i wanna say is this, give PAWS a break, it's easy to lash out at paws for being unfriendly on the phone and etc. I volunteer there on a regular basis and I see how bad things can get. Sometimes we get heckled with calls asking weird things you wouldn't imagine. Most times, we are very busy handling adoptions or surrenders.

AndyKoh   Jun 30th 2008 at 3:14PM
Hi Leroy, thanks for your clarifications. Our volunteers try their best to keep the tags and details accurate, but inevitably there are some inaccurate ones due to logistical and time constraints.

Since you are a regular volunteer there, is it possible for you to provide assistance in maintaining the profiles here? Most importantly, the tag numbers and adoption status of the pets, so people get a consistent view and PAWS receive non-ambiguous enquiries.

That'd definitely be a great help to the adopters and PAWS =)
Nicoleloveanimals   Jun 30th 2008 at 10:48PM
Hi LeRoy, so I see now how's PAWS working.
By the way, I think I saw you that day...
LeRoy   Jul 1st 2008 at 12:00AM
AndyKoh, I will try to help out but I'm going overseas soon. Will try to help out whatever I can for the animals.

I actually signed up to PetFinder.my because there was this one lady who enquired about this dog and showed us the Number PF1372, and due to some language barrier it took quite some time before we clarified the matter.

I actually felt bad because I couldn't pinpoint the exact dog to this record number. All i found out was that it was a brown dog.... whoa... we've got like.... 30-40 brown colored dogs....

Nicoleloveanimals: Just glad to be of help. I know sometimes we may seem like a little unfriendly but trust me, get to know us better and you'll have a different point of view. I guarantee that!!! :)

For more clarification, PAWS has its own system to go through for every animal that goes through it's shelter.

All the animals are Vaccinated, Dewormed and Neutered/Spayed before they are put up for adoption. We ensure that all our animals are healthy before we put them in the adoption area. Therefore, it's most of the time not the Animal factor but The Owner factor.... ie. having unrealistic expectations of an adopted dog.

1. You're still a stranger to the dog and it needs time to get used to you.
2. The dog may be at the shelter for quite sometime already so it may need time to get used to be in an environment devoid of a couple of hundred furkids.
3. It's a new environment.

Bear that in mind, and you'll definitely have a wonderful Human/Pet relationship!!!
AndyKoh   Jul 1st 2008 at 12:56AM
LeRoy, thanks for your detailed info and clarifications. It would be great if you can help us pinpoint the proper tag numbers for some of the PAWS dogs here with missing IDs. You can click into the PAWS profile to view all of its pets. Every little confusion we can iron out could result in one more dog's life being saved =)

If possible, please also point us to some volunteers that can provide us with similar assistance before you leave for overseas.

Please feel free to share your knowledge on managing adopted pets from shelters - it would be invaluable to our members and adopters.

You can also get in touch with me via email - just click on my profile and Send Email. Thanks!
pugsnmutts   Jul 1st 2008 at 6:26PM
i was at paws today n managed to find out this dog's tag number...
AndyKoh   Jul 1st 2008 at 6:44PM
Great work, Ai Ney!

I was just wondering who was the person that just updated some PAWS profiles and adoption statuses, so it was our super photographer at work! =)
pugsnmutts   Jul 1st 2008 at 7:01PM
who else, me la... :p
more pets profiles coming tomorrow... hopefully...
leej   Jul 1st 2008 at 7:04PM
Before, this dog's number is PF1372.but now, this dog's number is Tag 162.so, where is this dog? is it at paws? Because,last time,I went to paws,I didn't see this dog.
AndyKoh   Jul 1st 2008 at 7:06PM
Great, Ai Ney! You can also go to the Listings page, Advanced Search section to do a search for a particular tag name before you create a profile, just to ensure that the Tag ID is not in use. If it's in use, it could be either the same dog of which you can just update its pics; or the previous dog has been adopted, of which you can just remove the tag name from the old profile and reuse it at the new one.

Leej, Tag 162 is the correct ID for this dog at PAWS. You can call to enquire based on this ID.
pugsnmutts   Jul 1st 2008 at 7:08PM
leej, last time when i took the photo of this dog in paws, i didnt manage to get his tag number, so PF1372 was automatically generated by PetFinder because this dog has no name... today i was at paws again and managed to find out this dog's tag number, it is Tag 162, given by paws... yes this dog is still in paws... this dog doesnt look like ur lost dog though...
LeRoy   Jul 1st 2008 at 10:46PM
eh? I thought I saw the dog yesterday.... D4 or D5 area if i not mistaken.....
leej   Jul 2nd 2008 at 11:00AM
Thank you for your help and support!!! tomorrow,I will go to paws check !! This dog really looks like my dog!!! My dog is male and tongue is dark purple color.if this dog is male and tongue also dark purple color,I think 90percent is my dog!!!
Shauneera   Jul 19th 2008 at 11:24AM
So cute!

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