Jazzmine was given to me by a security guard who took her from a maid from one of the houses in BU just to find out that she had some head injuries. Either she was hit by a hard object or she had fallen from quite a height. She had a blood clot, but thank god it was only on the outer layer.
She is perfectly fine now. Adoption fee is to cover her med expenses. She is extremely playful and needs lots of attention. She's currently teething, so she kinda bites anything along her way ;p
She has very light brown nose and green eyes, you would love her if you see her. As a fosterer, I will need to check on her new home a few times upon adoption just to make sure she's doing alright. Animals matter to me. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Any parties who are interested but wish to not disclose their home address will not be entertained. Thank you again!