Workplace wanderer, 4 became 1, but this pup survived!
Terjumpa di tempat kerja. Awalnya 4, kini cuma 1, tetapi dia masih hidup!
Healthy, well-behaved, and potty trained for both outdoors and pee mats
Sihat, patuh, dan dapat mengurus keperluan di luar dan alas lantai sendiri
Call [phone number] for a chance to meet a survivor!
Hubungi [nombor telefon] untuk peluang bersama seekor yang terus hidup!
Found at work place. There were 4, 3 believed to be killed. Healthy and well behaved. Potty trained to do outside house and pee mat. Zero 1 nine 6 7 five seven 2 four 9
Ditemui di tempat kerja. Terdapat 4 ekor, 3 dipercayai telah terbunuh. Sihat dan berkelakuan baik. Terlatih buang air di luar rumah dan menggunakan tuala kencing. Nol 1 sembilan 6 7 lima tujuh 2 empat 9.