Meet Lucky, a 1-month-old Siamese kitten looking for a loving family
Jumpa Lucky, kucing Siamese berusia 1 bulan yang sedang mencari keluarga yang penuh kasih sayang
Adoption is free, and delivery is free too if needed!
Pemindahan dan pembiayaan pemindahan adalah percuma!
Lucky just wants to find a forever home in Subang Jaya
Lucky hanya mahu mencari rumah kekal di Subang Jaya
Lucky希望在Subang Jaya找到一个永远的家
Name:Lucky 1 month Siamese cat. Free of charge, free of delivery if needed, Only want to find lovely family, Subang Jaya.
Nama: Lucky Kucing Siamese berusia 1 bulan. Percuma, penghantaran percuma jika diperlukan, Hanya mahu mencari keluarga yang menyayangi, di Subang Jaya.
Hi there! I am a stay at home cat mum of two that are super loving towards each other. We’d love to adopt her into our family. Please consider and let me know if you’d require any more information about my home, and current cats🥰