Short, chubby and loving male cat, wearing a "mask"
Kucing jantan gemuk, pendek dan penyayang, memakai "topeng"
Basic conditions: indoor cat, neutered, vaccinated and on a healthy diet
Syarat asas: kucing dalam rumah, dimandulkan, divaksinasi dan makanan berkualiti
Regular updates required, no abandonment
Kemas kini berkala diperlukan, tiada pemindahan kucing
Fat and short-medium-long cat, with a mask on its mouth and love in its hands. Male cat, about 2 and a half months old. The cost of internal and external deworming will be charged, as well as the spaying cost of the cat mother. Basic adoption conditions include: no feeding of colored cat food, no caging or outdoor freely roaming (indoor only), spaying, regular vaccinations, stable financial conditions at home, windows and doors with protective screens, and regular updates to the owner in the first few months. The cat cannot be abandoned. Any reasons or difficulties should be discussed with the owner and the cat cannot be transferred or abandoned.