ShaSha is a very weird cat, she somehow reminds me of a weird old lady with her very very weird temper.
ShaSha is my 1st cat. My boyfriend picked her from a mamak stall when she was wandering around looking for food.
Shasha doesnt like Nikki, for sure. She'll hop and bounce when Nikki were sent to the vet, you can see she's in sparkling mood whole day long. But funny, i somehow dont think she hate her that much, sometimes i peeked at her and Nikki while they were alone and only 2 of them, Shasha played with Nikki very happily and without hissing. But when i appeared, Shasha at once stopped playing and acted like she is so cool and dont need to play at all.
I remember giving her a soft toy when she was young, she didnt play with it at all. Nikki loves soft toys, i gave her all my McDonald hello kitty soft toys and she treated them like babies, bringing them in & out, wherever she sleeps. Then one day everyone came back from shopping, we saw ShaSha rolled and flipped and kicked clumsily at the kitchen, tried to enjoy the soft toys like Nikki did. When she saw us, she sat up, licked herself, tidy up herself then walk out from the house =_= ...
ShaSha is very good in hunting birds (we always tried to stop her but just dunno where she caught those birds). Everytime she caught a bird, she will bring it back, look for Nikki and then walk away with her bird.
Show off...
Hehe, while all the cats run away from the vacuum cleaner, ShaSha will be the only one who rush in. Because she wants to be massage~~ ShaSha loves electrolux vaccum cleaner, especially the one with a roller brush beneath.
Although always being bullied and chased out by Julie during dinner time and meal got eaten by Nikki, ShaSha is the queen in my area. Almost every cat around here is afraid of her, even male cats(except for one, a huge male Bengal cat, we saw she tried to fight him but failed) Everytime Nikki, TomTom and Julie being attack by other cats, ShaSha will come out and rescue them.
At times she is very feminine, sometimes clumsy very very clumsy, sometimes very smart and most of the time very weird~