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   « Back To Listing Kyon
Kyon - Domestic Long Hair Cat
CatDomestic Long Hair
ProfileMale, 15 Years 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
LocationSeri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
Posted17 Jul 2010 (Updated 6 Jul 2011)
Adoption FeeFREE
Yay! Brought him home on 17/07/10. Still havent decided his name. Uhh, I initially wanna name him Yuuki which means courage, hope, snow. Or Kyo/Kyon. For now, it seems like my mom and sis had started to call him Kyon :P (Yeah, Im influenced by the anime Fruit Basket *is bricked*) Yosh, may _____ grw up into a handsome healthy kitten :3

* insert Kyon/Yuki in ______ XD

Right, its decided, he's Kyon. Get well soon my lil KyonKyon! A persian w/o cert, so I guess he's DLH then XD

"Kyon awak ni hybrid ke? Anak singa campur Superman?" tu soalan yang setiap hari tanye kat Kyon. Budak ni lompat macam boleh terbang, lari tak ada brek, langsir dah diebuat macam wall climbing, semua benda mesti gigit. Rupa dah macam anak singa, mungkin lah dia ni anak singa kut. Tapi bila dalam cage, cair lah kakak dia ni, sopan santun, kalau boleh duduk bersimpuh dia buat dah, mata dibesarkan shining2 8000 gigawat. Letak je dalam rumah tu diaa, *geleng kepala* tsk tsk semua orang takut dengan dia.

But whatever it is, Kakak will always love you, Kyon love. heehee
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xsampai seminit dah bangun T^T
xsampai seminit dah bangun T^T

did the ball just went pass me just now?
did the ball just went pass me just now?

'kakak play this kakak. jom jom.'
'kakak play this kakak. jom jom.'

puss in boots's eyes. im made of 100% pure innocent.
puss in boots's eyes. im made of 100% pure innocent.

RAWR! kyon macam anak singa
RAWR! kyon macam anak singa

sebakul kyon X3
sebakul kyon X3

anak singa sesat dalam cat tunnel
anak singa sesat dalam cat tunnel

kyonnn main tipuuu!
kyonnn main tipuuu!

muka konon-konon sedih XD
muka konon-konon sedih XD

muka kyon bangun pagi :3
muka kyon bangun pagi :3

the bully is chillaxin' with his abg koko :)
the bully is chillaxin' with his abg koko :)

"i iz not naughty :3" no young man i can tell you've activated ur super naughty mode! X3
"i iz not naughty :3" no young man i can tell you've activated ur super naughty mode! X3

acara akhir: cuddling/kneading/sleeping (terhad utk beberapa minit/saat sahaja) 8D
acara akhir: cuddling/kneading/sleeping (terhad utk beberapa minit/saat sahaja) 8D

kyon cage iz no like! RELIZ kyon RELIEEZEE nya~
kyon cage iz no like! RELIZ kyon RELIEEZEE nya~

Kyon limited edition. kemanjaan ini limited during cage-time only 8D;;
Kyon limited edition. kemanjaan ini limited during cage-time only 8D;;

'me wants out! me wants out!' no can do mister, wait first :P
'me wants out! me wants out!' no can do mister, wait first :P

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ho ho shleepy kyonkyon :3
ho ho shleepy kyonkyon :3

not ayam penyet. kucing penyet :P
not ayam penyet. kucing penyet :P

penat la main, rehat kejap. *snores*
penat la main, rehat kejap. *snores*

nom nom nom~ fav food is boiled ciki
nom nom nom~ fav food is boiled ciki

my poor brother. berbuih2 mulut lepas makan ubat x sedap /_\
my poor brother. berbuih2 mulut lepas makan ubat x sedap /_\

milk time:3
milk time:3

looks like a rabbit? 8D
looks like a rabbit? 8D

dah masuk cage baru buat2 manja *pats Kyon*
dah masuk cage baru buat2 manja *pats Kyon*

my kyonkyon kyonkichi~ :D
my kyonkyon kyonkichi~ :D

my ouji-chama, my new lil brother
my ouji-chama, my new lil brother

first fur drying session :D
first fur drying session :D

first bath :D
first bath :D

first meeting :D
first meeting :D

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Page: 1 2    33 Comments
rawr2buny   Aug 30th 2010 at 9:33AM
haha yeah betul, but most of the time i feel like kyon know no other expressions selain muka sedih :P the moment kite letak die dalam cage, 101% muka dia berubah. the moment kite keluar kan die, tsk tsk his eyes go all shiny and die punya nakal tu, tsk tsk again :P
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 9:47AM
last night i bought Oreo and Eskimo catnip mice. Dalam pek tu ada 3, so one gave to boyfriend's cats, one for both Oreo and Eskimo and one more to save la. Pehtu upon bauuing the superlicious smell of the catnip, both Oreo and Eskimo became very very possesive towards the mouse la kan. Siap bunyi macam kucing gaduh lagi, Oreo siap lempang Cikimo and balas2 balik. Terpaksa la bagi sorang satu, kang tak pasal2 bermusuh macam rebut tanah pusaka nanti T_T. Pehtu sekor2 muka happy je dapat catnip mouse tsk tsk
rawr2buny   Aug 30th 2010 at 9:59AM
Wahh Eskimo & Oreo dapat present raya! HAHA! adoi mcm berebut tanah pusaka ye? comel la dak 2 org ni sampai lempang2 lak tu ^^; must be fun to watch both of them kannn? XD; Gahh if nnt nak beli catnip toys, kena beli 2 la ni, one for Kyon & one for his abang Koko. Koko is a giant kalau die berebut mmg susah nk survive la si kecik ni X3;; cats pun pandai tak nak share, isk isk abis la wallet :P

I thought catnip tak berkesan dkt kittens teehee. Dkt my cousin nye rumah ade byk pokok tu dlu. I remember bg pokok tu dekat my cousin's cat, wahh sampai setengah jam die berguling baring dekat tanah, and he ended up being SOO DIRTY haha D8
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 10:10AM
True! i balik seremban last weekend then bagi dia akar pokok apatah ni tapi diorang semua go crazy tergolek-golek atas akar pokok tu...nasib baik atas lantai rumah. siap terjuih2 air liur. omg even apeng yang tengah demam baru balik vaccine tu pon tergolek2 sekali :D :D

btw dear go check up on this cat, Egeh
rawr2buny   Aug 30th 2010 at 10:48AM
i guess tu la pokok nye kot :P org panggil pokok misai kucing or pokok kucing galak cos cat suka, i wonder if its the same one dgn catnip tu :3 HAHAHA byk ya miow lain dekat seremban selain apeng?

uuu~ yes yes i've been followin her story rase nak pegi tengok die tp i dont even know PAWS dkt mane. kesian Egeh :( someone wrote that mira pegi tengok dia dkt PAWS ye? T_______T i hope someone will take her home. i'd love to, somehow kucing yang greyish ni igtkan me dkt my hunybuny, but i bet mama will kill me nak lg 1 kucing dkt SPCA pun dah kena lempang virtually semalam tsk tsk 8D;
wanilliyana   Aug 30th 2010 at 10:58AM
boleh i join borak pasal catnip?? =)
My baby memang hantu ngn catnip..
Last weekend i bwk aden g vaksin tingal baby sorg2 kt umah..takut dia sunyi i kasi catnip toy yg i buat sendiri.. bila balik je, toy tu dh hancur punah.. my cats only baby react to catnip, aden tak sangat pon..
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 10:59AM
yeah i was talking to midnightmaiden about Egeh and i decided to go and see her myself. she was in such a pity condition <:'(
ive got her photos, tatau should i make a thread ke tak. i dont want to make enemies tapi at the same time i want a good soul to adopt her jugak. shes such in a pity condition tau :(. do u think i should put up a thread on forum?
Rizalmn   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:07AM
My office just opposite PAWS.. I think I will pay her a visit later.. Dia ade cage number ke? atau name kat sana?

Poor thing.. :(
Pasal catnip.. what brand do you guys use? I guna Four Paws (both serbuk n spray) but it won't work.. tetap diorang neh kejekan I punya kerusi makan and sofa.. huhu
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:11AM
Hi rizalmn i tak sure pasal cage number tu, tapi dalam cage tu, memang u akan kenal egeh sebab dia sorang je tri-color. dia duduk satu cage ngan satu persian colour orange. i dah tried talk to the office but they are not opening adoption, not even booking for Egeh. I wonder if i should put up Egeh's latest photos on forum? i went to see her yesterday. should i should i should i?

p/s: hijack page u la kyon. sorry i lubiu muwah muwah
wanilliyana   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:15AM
Azmira, i think u should.. kita bukan nak buat musuh dengan org.. just for the sake of the cat..
tp at this moment apa yg kita boleh buat? PAWS not allow Egeh to be adopt..

Rizalmn: i guna yg serbuk, dapat masa beli scratching board.. True that not all cat react to catnip..
Rizalmn   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:20AM
I think u should.. yg paling penting the cat should have had a better life and you are not doing this for personal reason, it's for Egeh.. maybe Eve will understand if she really loves Egeh still.. I mean sapa yang nak tolong boleh tolong.. I don't mind amek dia and hantar to my vet kat Shah Alam. At least she will have better treatment and environment. It seems 50% of recovery for cats is contributed by the environment..

Sorry rawr2buny & kyon.. interprem jap..hehehe
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:27AM
ok ok. writing writing. will be up in a minute
rawr2buny   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:36AM
@azmyrax: aww, i just read midnightmaiden's & your latest comment on Egeh's profile. SEDIHNYAA she got poo & pee all over her? OMG dengan sick cats pulak? makin susah la dia nak sihat mcm tu :(( and tak silap the last time i went to SPCA (ard std 4) dorg pun ckp sick cats & unspayed cats tak boleh ambik kan? kan? mcm tu berapa lama lg baru die boleh di release :(( *throws tantrum* are there any other ways nak release die? even if kite bayar merayu2 pun die tak nak release ya? she needs good care, clean environment to recover isk isk. i want to see her photos, you should should should! T_T i think its good to make a thread for her, so that mana tau orang lain ade idea mcm mane nak selamatkan Egeh.. nnt mungkin the owner marah ke but we care for the cat, ape2 jadi nnt menyesal pulak terbayang2 ne?

** kyon said: its okayy :3 *muka sedih* kekeke XD

@wanilliyana: sure sure join je! XD uwaaa, baby happy sgt la tu dpt hadiah, i wonder kalau kyon yg dpt macam mana la die main sbb haritu beli satu mouse toy yg xde catnip pun esok hancur... =_= aden & baby both 4 months?kittens pun boleh react dengan catnip yaa? 8D

@rizalmn: lorr, kalau bagi catnip diorg tak react landsung? o_O yeah ape wanilliyana cakap tu betul hehe. haritu ade terbace, dalam byk2 kucing ade beberape percent yang mmg xberkesan catnip dekat mereke XD;; isk isk.
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 11:45AM
ok dah put on forum, sila komen bg cadangan plz.

kalau kucing still gigit2 furniture tu, maknanya dia nak scratcher la tu kot? tapi kalau dah ada scratcher tapi still nakkkkkkk jugak pergi kat furniture, beli spray ada jual kat petshop untuk stopkan kucing dari gigit/cakar2 furniture. tak ingat la nama dia tapi ada jual la. kalau spray kat situ confirm dia love-hate ngan furniture tu hehehehe

Rizalmn   Aug 30th 2010 at 12:32PM
alamak, I tak leh masuk forum, kena block by IT dept.. sigh sigh..

anyway, I cuba kuar awal arini nak tgk Egeh.. kan senang kalau kidnap and trus hantar vet kan..hmmm..

I thought the repellent is only for garden etc and not for furniture.. ok.. will look for it. Thanks for advice. =)
MidnightMaiden   Aug 30th 2010 at 1:14PM
Hi Rizalmn, the person in charge at PAWS is called Edward. If you do get a chance to drop by and think you can help, maybe you can have a private word with him to sway him to release Egeh so she'll be able to get proper medical care asap, especially since every second is crucial :(

Tq tq tq in advance!

(We were planning to go tomoro but just found out that PAWS will be closed tomorrow) :(
Crool   Oct 15th 2010 at 11:16AM
kyon2..kamu cute banggaaaattt
rawr2buny   Oct 15th 2010 at 2:52PM
heeeheee kembang semangkuk setaman la anak singa sorg ni kena puji. thank youu kakak, kyon cakap :P
azmyrax   Nov 11th 2010 at 9:12AM
Ive updated my baby cempedaks photos. hehe not many photos coz all they do now is sleeping :D

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