Oyen the cat was born on 16/12/2023 (1 month old). She has 4 siblings, consisting of 2 tortoiseshell females and 2 blacky females. If you're interested in taking care of this little kitten, please send me a private message. I want to rehome them because my house is too small for so many cats. May you be blessed with abundance for your willingness to help.
kucing oyen baru lahir pada 16/12/2023 (1 month). dia mempunyai 4 lagi adik beradik iaitu 2 tortoiseshell (betina) dan 2 blacky (betina). jika awak sudi menjaganya yang masih kecil ini, pm lah saya. saya nak rehome mereka kerana rumah saya terlalu kecil untuk banyak kucing. semoga awak yang sudi ini dimurahkan rezeki selalu