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Found in Bandar Mahkota, Banting
Stray 5, 4 Yrs

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   « Back To Listing Koko-chan
Koko-chan - Domestic Long Hair Cat
In Heaven
CatDomestic Long Hair
ProfileMale, 3 Years
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
LocationSeri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur
Posted16 Jul 2010 (Updated 6 Oct 2010)
My other cat, Koko. My aunt's friend gave him to us. He's very playful (bullying me when im working) to the point that he can be super anoyying (LOL). He doesnt like people to carry him, maybe because he's big.. i guess but he demands attention too much XD. He loves HunnyBunny altho HunnyBunny hates him.

hobbies: bullying me, sitting on the keyboard when im doing my assignments, sitting on the newspaper when im reading, rolls on my sejadah, goes in and out thru the main door (he hates sliding door i dont know why, maybe because he's the king of this house XD)

And actually i am never sure about his breed 8D; anyone knows? Himalayan? Ragdoll? Birman? or simply Siamese? DLH because he doesnt hv any cert :3 fufu~

Koko's gone. He's not here with me anymore. Found his body lifeless not so far from my house. Prolly got hit by a car 1-2 hour(s)before I found him. He's such a wonderful cat who is always gentle to others be it a human or other animals. :( I hope he had a happy life. RIP Koko.
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si gemuk
si gemuk

si gemuk buncit. i wonder if he's obese? X3;;
si gemuk buncit. i wonder if he's obese? X3;;

Kyon is a BULLY and lucky Koko is a GENTLECAT XD
Kyon is a BULLY and lucky Koko is a GENTLECAT XD

adik kyon & abang koko
adik kyon & abang koko

NOM NOM~ nyaaaaisss.   koko ish eating his baby brother's kitten food =_=;
NOM NOM~ nyaaaaisss. koko ish eating his baby brother's kitten food =_=;

*looks* nyaaa-ni soree? baby brother's food? :3  *looks right & left*  line clear...
*looks* nyaaa-ni soree? baby brother's food? :3 *looks right & left* line clear...

menjadi watak sampingan. he loves hunybuny but hunybuny hates him. my poor koko-chan :P
menjadi watak sampingan. he loves hunybuny but hunybuny hates him. my poor koko-chan :P

formasi tidur err.. segi tiga? 8D;
formasi tidur err.. segi tiga? 8D;

formasi tidur bulan sabit? 8D;
formasi tidur bulan sabit? 8D;

*malu2 miow*
*malu2 miow*

bila kena kurung berkasih syg pulak 8D;
bila kena kurung berkasih syg pulak 8D;

hobi spjg mase; buli kakak die nk solat
hobi spjg mase; buli kakak die nk solat

conquer katil >D
conquer katil >D

Koko-chan - Domestic Long Hair Cat

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Share your comments here17 Comments
lindagamble   Jul 16th 2010 at 2:39PM
suka sangat.
shahcats   Jul 16th 2010 at 5:13PM
camne nak bezakan birman ngan mix persian ek? dorg ade personality lain x?mcm nak cari gak sekor birman..:)btw kcg awak sgt hensem!!
rawr2buny   Jul 16th 2010 at 7:18PM
@shahcats: ahh, jap hehe koko ye la handsome sbb die hero dlm rumah ni. hunybuny yg baru hilang tu heroine ^^; hmm ntah la tu la tertanye2 sampai skrg taktau koko ni sbnrnye jenis apa. himalayan ke birman ke tak tau lah. haha yg tau koko sgt la melampau manjenye. kalau org type, die duk atas keyboard, tgh bace surat kabar die duduk atas surat kabar, minx perhatian 24jam :P

@linda: hehe :D nice cat you have there *shining eyes*

anyway, know any good place or ppl selling persian kitten? jenuhnye nk cari dah sminggu cari kat internet ni x jumpe2. hehe
shahcats   Jul 16th 2010 at 8:53PM
mmg hensem la kcg awak..dia mcm pakai sock la..:) tgok gambar dia pun tau dia manje..:)
kitten slalunye shah ngan kwn2 lain tgok kat mudah.. kt pf slalu nyer mahal2 la..:)
rawr2buny   Jul 16th 2010 at 9:02PM
ahaha, thx. kalau koko paham mesti sungguh happy beliau :P um, td came thru one more type, Ragdoll. koko might be a ragdoll instead of Birman sbb kaki Birman selalu putih bace td. 8D; dah mix byk sgt sampai taktau die jenis ape. haha.

thx, haa dkt mudah pun blh tahan. yg berkenan semua rm900+. smlm nampak yg comel gila persian pure rm450 tp xsempat pulak. /_\ nk try pegi random pet shop tp mesti super mahal. haha
shahcats   Jul 17th 2010 at 12:07AM
eh xsemestinye putih la..awaknyer mmg ade cir birman..ragdoll xkot..:) pure persian 450???kene hati2 tau..sebab mcm xlogik plak..:)
pet shop mmg mahal :( sedey je tgok kan..
rawr2buny   Jul 17th 2010 at 12:40AM
haa ye ke thx! haha :P tu la nama je bela kucing da lame but before this never bother pasal dorg nye breed. hunybuny & koko both org hadiahkan. skrg ni nk beli sdri baru la terkial2 nak ambik tau breed types.

true skrg ni ramai jual DLH mix persian lepas tu jual dgn harga x logik. Rm450 mcm murah sgt.. utk persian i guess? but kucing tu mmg lawa sgt. look just like hunybuny ^^; org rumah ni sume rindu sgt hunybuny sampai nk pilih kucing nk cari yg mcm ala2 hunybuny. flat sgt xleh, dah jumpe semi pun xmenepati lagi. haha. pening dah cari kucing seminggu kat net.

btw ur cat comelll! geram tengok. hehe
shahcats   Jul 17th 2010 at 2:43AM
owh klau mix persian 450 ok kot..hanibani ni comil giler kot..susah nak carik comil2 tp murah2..:)
hadiah!!!! hadiah tuk shah plak..pleassssssssssssssssssssssssse hehehe
thanks..bobo tinggal sekor2 kat umah..shah xmampu lg nak carik kwn dia..:(
Hani14   Jul 17th 2010 at 10:07AM
hi raw.. nice cat. cantik bulunya. ciri2 himalayan pun ada.
rawr2buny   Jul 17th 2010 at 10:48AM
@shah: dah penat cari kucing last2 semua org decide xyah persian sgt pun xpe :P yea sayangnye previous owner hunybuny & koko ni da operate dorg so xde lah anak2nye. kalau tak boleh je bagi2 anak2 mereka dgn murah or free. sbb rumah ni xleh ade byk2 kucing sgt ^^;

aww its okay then for now, bobo boleh dpt 1001% attention from shah la kan. :P mcm hunybuny die benci sungguh kalau ade kucing lain XD; ego. kalau sy pgg kucing lain x basuh tgh, die bau, sminggu pun boleh die merajuk, xnak layan sy. penat nk pujuk :(

@kak hani: is it ok for me to call kak hani? :P saye shahila btw.

thank you :D hehe ntah2 koko ni byk mix kot asal usul keluarga, sampai taktahu die baka ape.

geramnye tengok gmbr kucing kat avatar tuu T_T
Hani14   Jul 17th 2010 at 11:04AM
yg kat avatar tu adalah sibubble masa dia berumur 2 bulan.. skrg ni dah gemuk.. besar badan dia sekarang ni.

shah, owner sidamia tu nak jual abg damia sebaya damia.. namanya baby, kak hani dah tengok, memang comel sgt, hidung kemek, warna cream. kesian dia sekarang ni keseorangan takder teman.
shahcats   Jul 17th 2010 at 5:05PM
kak hani.klau same harga damia shah xmampu lg..tp damia mmg cantik kire keturunan atasan la..sy ni ahli muzik je..hehehehe tp klau nak jual abg damia murah2...shah ok sajok...:)
cari mix persian pun ok je..ade gak ciri2 persian.. kcg breed apepun semua comil kan.. tp owner yg mengaku kcg dia flat nose sedang kcg dia flat pekeliling tu mmg xleh terima..betul x kak hani??
azmyrax   Aug 30th 2010 at 9:52AM
apa macam time solat amik gambar ni? aiyok aiyok aiyok
rawr2buny   Aug 30th 2010 at 10:03AM
muahaha~ tu before solat dan lepas tu tolak die keluar bilik. sbb selalu kalau tak keluarkan, nnt in the end, i ended up dekat luar sejadah, sipi je nak letak kepala, makin ketepi sbb koko conquer. cis kek, dengki betul T__________T haahaa
RIP Koko. He died this morning. My precious gentle brother. Koko kakak sayang Koko. Forever, you'll be my one and only Koko. You left me too suddenly. Rest in peace dear, and I hope we can somehow meet again someday somewhere. Thank you for always being a loyal company to me, be it when im happy, when im lost and sad. Love you so much dear Koko. </3
azmyrax   Oct 6th 2010 at 9:50AM
RIP koko channn :'(
NabilahFatin   Oct 6th 2010 at 10:07AM
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of ur Koko-Chan. I know he meant a lot to u.
R.I.P Koko-Chan~

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