This is my HunnyBunny. It has been up to 10days (since 5/7/10) since the day she went missing. :( We've been together for 10+ years. Still hoping for her to come back. Lost in Seri Petaling area.
She's a healthy, altho she's old and quiet, hunybuny is a loving cat, slightly afraid of people. Respond to the name hunny/bunny or honey bee. She rarely goes out from our house gate. I cant tell whether she was kidnapped or...
she's my princess. she'll be the first one to wait for me at the door everyday, waiting for my return. first thing she did in the morning is to wait infront of my bedroom door and send me to th gate. she sleeps with me almost every night. now that she's not around, im all alone /_\
so pls pls hunybuny wherever you are pls come back. and if anyone happen to saw her, pls help her find her way back home :)
mana dia pergi?
hope dia balik.