They are part of 7 other less than 3 weeks old bundled into a sack;thrown overboard into a monsoon drain to be drowned in Seremban. An uncle climbed in & fished them out & handed them over to a condomate to care.She drove to KL in search for help.10 tiny pups & her battled for hours through jams & closed doors.
They came to us at 11.30pm on the 2nd of July & have been with us since.
These little guys were dehydrated & famished. they were covered with sores. Days later they developed a fungal that grew on their bodies like cauliflower in shape ,in floret & colour. Quite a sight; florets of miniture cauliflower in fields of fur.
They are under control with the help of organic enzymes & malaseb.
Come & support them with homes which they are in great need.