Eskimo is the cutest kitten ever. He is a hyperactive kitten. He has amazing odd eyes (flash blue on the left and greenish brown on the right). He is deaf genetically but that doesn't limit his sky.
Apparently, Eskimo is a he. I thought he was a she so I kept referring to him as 'her'
Eskimo is a drama king now. He will put up an act to get my attention. One time, he pretended to be sick, so that I can 'alolololo' him. But then when I wagged toys across the room, he sprinted and played, totally forgot his 'sickness' act.
Eskimo drinks a lot of water, I'm really amazed. One time he woke me up at 4.15a.m. by licking my ears and eyes and nose and ask me to top up his water bowl because he had finished a full bowl of water that night T_T
Eskimo nowadays is wary towards other cats than Oreo and Apeng. Before this he was a friendly cat because of his deafness, but I guess he's more careful now in choosing friend. Bagus anak mummy
Eskimo's blue eye has turned white, I guess because he is an albino all along.
aaaahh Eskimo dah besar! he has grown into a handsome young man, but a bit chubby on tummy side :P. he's definitely gorgeous with silky white fur (but always stained with colours because he likes to disturb me while im painting. few days ago his forehead was punk red)
when he was small he doesnt like to be cuddled because he was hyper, but now with 16hour sleeping routine, he finally a cat: sleepy, lazy, cuddly :D
Latest entry blog of Eskimo:
Eskimo was last seen in Bandar Kinrara 5. He was playing in the front porch. I believe he was catnapped :<