Cat Domestic Short Hair
Profile Male, 2 Years 4 Months
Vaccinated Yes
Dewormed Yes
Neutered Yes
Condition Healthy
Body Medium Size, Short Fur
Color Yellow, White
Location Serdang, Selangor
Posted 2 Nov 2023
Adoption Fee FREE
This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Abandoned at workplace, looking for a new home
Dibuang di tempat kerja, mencari rumah baru
Healthy, active, and affectionate with humans
Sihat, aktif, dan kasih sayang dengan manusia
Help this cat find a loving family
Tolong carikan kucing ini keluarga yang penuh kasih sayang
"Somebody abandoned [a cat] at the workplace. I feel sorry for him/her. He/she is healthy, active, and friendly to humans. Please adopt him/her. Thank you."
Orang buang dekat tempat kerja. Kasihan sama dia. Dia sihat dan aktif juga manja sama manusia. Tolonglah adopt dia. Terima kasih.
在工作场所附近有一只被遗弃的橙色猫。他太可怜了。 他很健康、活泼,也喜欢与人亲近。 请帮忙收养他。 谢谢。
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