"Choco" or "Choco boy", friendly, gentle old dog with milky eyes
Melayan panggilan "Choco" atau "Choco boy", anjing tua, mesra dan sangat lembut
回应名字“Choco”或“Choco boy”,友善、温顺的老狗,眼中带乳白色
Faded brown fur, no collar. Usually goes for a quick pee near home
Memiliki mata keruh kerana usia tua. Tiada tali leher, bulunya berwarna coklat pudar
Limited mobility; may not have wandered far. Please contact if seen
Terakhir dilihat di Taman Megah ketika keluar untuk kencing. Sila hubungi jika dilihat
Responds to his name "choco" or "choco boy" He is an old dog, friendly and very gentle. He has milky eyes from old age. No collar and his fur is a faded brown colour.
Last seen in taman megah going out for a quick pee run, when he disappeared. He is usually able to go for a quick pee near the house and return home.
He is old and isn't able to run or walk very far but unable to find him.
Please contact me if you have seen him!!!
Menjawab panggilan namanya "choco" atau "choco boy". Dia adalah seekor anjing tua, mesra dan sangat lembut. Matanya berwarna susu kerana usia tua. Tidak memakai tali leher dan bulunya berwarna coklat yang pudar.
Terakhir dilihat di taman megah ketika ingin buang air kecil, tiba-tiba hilang. Biasanya dia hanya pergi keluar sebentar untuk buang air kecil dan kembali pulang.
Dia sudah tua dan tidak mampu berlari atau jalan jauh. Tolong hubungi saya jika anda telah melihatnya!!!