Bell was rescued from a restaurant area when she was dumped after having dental issue.
She have undergone dental procedure and have flourish well. Despite her old age, Bell is still active and love to walk and explore the housing area
She have quite and bossy personality and prefer to be alone. Bell is suitable if you are looking for a solo cat.
Bell telah diselamatkan dari kawasan restoran apabila dia dibuang selepas mengalami masalah gigi.
Dia telah menjalani prosedur pergigian dan telah berkembang dengan baik. Walaupun berusia tua, Bell masih aktif dan suka berjalan dan meneroka kawasan perumahan.
Dia mempunyai personaliti yang tenang dan suka memerintah serta lebih suka ditinggalkan sendirian. Bell sesuai untuk anda jika anda mencari kucing solo.