Case closed and open for adoption.
I have received a call from the staff informing me that they found a kitten at the Klang workshop. I have just picked up the kitten and now I want to reunite it with its mother. When I brought it to the apartment, the kitten kept meowing all the way and, Alhamdulillah, it finally found its mother. The mother cat's milk was swollen, so I immediately put the kitten in the carrier and let it nurse.
Now, I want to open up for adoption for this family. I cannot take care of them for a long time, and I cannot give them to the management either. I am looking for someone who is willing to adopt this family. If anyone is interested, please contact me urgently.
The latest video I received was showing me feeding the kitten milk with a syringe and also a picture of the mother cat.
I received information that the kitten was found inside a car engine and the car's owner realized it when he arrived in the Klang area, so he brought the kitten to the workshop to be extracted. The mother cat lives in an apartment that is nearby where I live in Kuala Lumpur. The mother came to me this afternoon, looking for her missing kitten. I couldn't find the kitten this morning and this afternoon, but I did notice that her milk had swollen.
Later in the evening, I received a message from the management, scolding me for adopting a family from the cage. Apparently, they did not provide food and water for the cats they kept in that cage. As a result of my negligence, the mother cat's milk had swollen, and her kitten was left at the Klang workshop. The staff there were angry with me because of this.
Feeling sorry for the mother cat and her kitten, I contacted the car owner through the number given to me by the mother cat and requested the name of the workshop where he extracted the kitten. The car owner did not want to respond immediately, and only replied an hour later saying, he needs to ask his assistant first. I found his reaction strange when he was so concerned about the mother cat and her kitten at first, but once asked for the information, he didn't seem to be too eager to help. Nevertheless, I went to the workshop to pick up the kitten and reunite it with its mother.
If anyone knows whether there was a customer who brought in the kitten from the car engine this afternoon at the Klang workshop, please contact me. There were three kittens, as shown in the picture below. The picture was shared with me by the staff who found the kitten.
Case closed & open for adoption
Sy dh dpt cont no owner kete dri staf tu pgi tdi. N bru sja amek kitten ni kt bengkel klang. Skang nak satukan blek dgn ibu dia…
Smpai aptmt tdi sje bagi anak dia mengiau spnjang jalan n Alhamdulillah rezeki jumpa ibu dia… blari ibu dia dgr suara anak dia. amek terus ibu dia msuk dlm carrier. Bengkak susu sgt… trus bagi anak dia nyusu.
N skang sy nak open kalau ada yg sudi adopt family ni.. sy xblh nak jaga dia lama n xblh juga nak bagi ke management smula… sy cri y btol2 siyez nak jdi pawrent budak2 ni… kalau ada sape y sudi tlg cont sy… urgent 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
*latest video y bru sy rec tdi bgi susu pakai syringe n gambar dh jumpa ibu dia.
Salam semua… dpt info kitten ni msuk dlam engine kete… owner kete sedar masa spai area klang n singgah di bengkel area klang utk keluarkan kitten ni. Ibu dia ada dkt apartment sy dok di kl ni. Ptg tdi ibu ni dtg blari ke sy mcm suh mtak tlg cri anak dia. Sy cri anak dia xjumpa (pagi n ptg tdi) n Bengkak susu dh.
Malam dpt wasup dri management, marah2 sbb sy kuakan family tu dri sngkar (sy kuakan sbb sll kucing y mereka ltak dlam sgkar xde makan n mnum). Sbb kelalaian sy, katanya ibu tu bengkak susu n anak dia di bengkel klang dh. So staf ni marah2. Ok lah sy admit my bad.
Sbb rasa kesian ke ibu kucing n anak dia tu, sy wasup dia mntak tlg tnykan owner kete tu bengkel klang y mana 1. Mcm trus nk xnk reply… bila mntak sndiri cont no xnk bagi. N reply lpas sejam, ckp nti dia tnykan dgn abg tu dlu. Sory to say, cara ckap tdi beriya2 marah n kesian sgt dgn ibu kucing bengkak susu jap2 cari anak dia. Tpi bila suh mntak tny dgn owner kete tu, mcm xberiya plak nk tlg tnykan. Sdgkan sy ni nak g amek kitten tu blek bwak sini satukan blek dgn ibu dia.
Minta tlg kalau ada sesiapa tau BENGKEL AREA KLANG ada dtg customer bwak kete ptg tdi 19/10/2023 nak kuakan kitten dri engine kete tlg roger sy. Ada 3 kitten.. mcm gmbar di bwah. Gambar di bwah ni yg di share oleh staf tu pd sy tdi 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻📢