Absolutely loving, easy to train. Already understand basic commands such as come, sit, go. Very intelligent, playful and absolutely adorable!!
Sangat menyukai, mudah untuk dilatih. Sudah memahami arahan asas seperti datang, duduk, pergi. Sangat pintar, bermain-main dan sangatlah menggemaskan!!
Hi. He is still very young so still very active, enjoys running around a lot. He’s in the midst of teething. No issues with other dogs, we’ve taken him out to the park and other places with dogs, been alright. Fully vaccinated but not neutered yet. He’s extremely affectionate and loves humans, always looking for hugs but he can be left alone. We’ve taught him commands such as sit, come and stop. Not too difficult to train as he is still young and impressionable, he picks up commands quickly. We’ve toilet trained him. He just requires space to run around as he is still active. No issues with food, he eats kibbles, sometimes we provide him with vegetables too, he loves them. Very responsive towards food but has been trained to have no food aggression.