Yup! 'Tis me. Stumbled upon your site. Saw your pix, dug deeper and found out you were founder, read your origin story and fainted dead away in admiration, awe and man-crush... Was tempted to SMS, then thot better of it-lah, since I've been out of action for so long... so settled for being fervent silent supporter. Actually, this is also a sign that I should get my butt in gear for class again :-D
Hi Dicky, so it's really you! Nice to see you again, although it's just virtually haha.. Chewey's really cute, with half it's face covered with black fur!
Thanks for giving our service a try, if you have friends looking for pets or rescued any, please let them know of this option =)
Haha yeah, time to move my butt.. It's been permanently glued to the chair for ages, while my eyes get glued to computer monitors and tv screens. Newest excuse for me is Euro 2008!
since u guys r in the is-it-you-yeah-it's-me moment, allow me to join in :p... dicky, u look familiar, were u the silver human statue during a hugo boss fragrance event at klcc many yrs back? if it's not u, oppss, sorry...
Really Pugs? Thoroughly enjoyed that gig. Started a wave of similar jobs for me, Blue Samsung and Golden Guinness; and I must say, still not seen a better statue anywhere ...heheheh... :-)
Thankx Andy, should branch this site out and call it, FriendFinder .. oops, that's taken already. have to settle for being a homeless pet myself! Go Olympics 2008.. that's me out of action for another 2 weeks.. Gonna get fat from all that couch potato-ing. Then again, Puasa looms soon after Beijing!
Fanzy and James... think it'll grow as big and strong as he is? ;-D