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   « Back To Listing Teddy
Teddy - Shih Tzu Dog
Owner's Pet
DogShih Tzu
ProfileMale, 17 Years 11 Months
ConditionMinor Injury
BodySmall Size, Medium Fur
ColorGray, White
LocationKl, Kuala Lumpur
Posted28 Jun 2010 (Updated 10 Sep 2010)
  1 Comment
I've lost my darling teddy boy. He's a male, shih tzu white and grey. He is now recovering from a fungus infection and needs his medication. If found do give me a call at
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Teddy_Found_on_31July, 2010
Teddy_Found_on_31July, 2010

Teddy - Shih Tzu Dog

Teddy_Lost_on_25June, 2010
Teddy_Lost_on_25June, 2010

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AccFinder   Jul 31st 2010 at 4:10PM
Teddy de Shih Tzu was reported missing from home in Bandar SpringHill, Port Dickson on the 25-06-10. The family only realized the boy went missing in the evening after noticed the front gate wire mesh had an opening (Teddy is particularly small size for a Shih Tzu, weighing just below 4kg and is a hyper active dog)... went round in searched for him and distributed flyers around the housing area (wasn't a wide coverage), but no sign or leads on him.

A posting was made at puppy.com on the 27-06-10, at that time we only provided technical assistance (circulation of MP online) coz were tied up with FFF works and other on going cases. Vathani never gave up on the boy. Once we had the time, arrangements were made yesterday to meet and picked up 1000pcs flyers at Cyber Jaya... travelled down to Bandar SpringHill, PD... 3.30pm assessed the location area and after getting some information from Aunty (Vathani's mother), we started from the point where Teddy went missing and later split into 2 directions... Howard used a motorbike that was available to us... 5.00pm; Aunty took us across the main road (S'ban-PD old road) out of SpringHill to Kampung Sendayan village around 3km away. This area wasn't d2d thing but lot 2 lot (villager's and residents mostly farmers) and the area was swept through within 1.5hrs, went back to SpringHill and rounded off the area... discussed with Vathani the possibilities on this case, coz was over a month since Teddy went missing but this time a wider circulation were carried out and hope to get some feedback. We left Port Dickson at 9.30pm.

9.45am received a call from Vathani, hey "Teddy is back home". This morning someone called from Kg.Sendayan; the family went with a Security Guard and headed straight to the location. It wasn't a pleasant sight, coz notice the boy was sprayed in blue paint and had bite wounds (plenty local dogs there at his village). The boy was all the while kept here. The Security Personnel told the family that he had seen this person before in SpringHill (must have pick Teddy up and took him back). The vet is taking care and providing necessary treatment to the boy in PD, Teddy will be brought to KL for further check up (regular Dr in Sri Kembangan). Wish you speedy recovery... Cheers!

Would like to thank the following people for their participation in search for Teddy: Howard, Hengs, Becky, Security Personnel of Bandar SpringHill, Aunty and Vathani.

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