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   « Back To Listing Millie
Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 1 Year 9 Months
Amount3 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Golden, Cream
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted14 Jul 2023 (Updated 27 Aug 2023)
Adoption FeeRM 99
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Born and rescued together with siblings, sadly one passed away Must adopt as a pair or have existing young kitten as playmate Strictly indoor only environment, adoption fee covers basic necessities and spaying deposit
  PetGPT Nibbles

Born around 31 of May, Lana, Millie and Asher were rescued nearby a KK mart, along with another sibling, Alcie.

Sadly, Alcie was too weak underweight and dehydrated. Causing her to pass 3 days after.

A passerby mistaken they didn’t have a mom, so moved them to the opposite side of road (in front of kk mart). Causing mama cat probably not able to find the kittens

Now that foster parent have been taking care of them for a month plus. They’re now around 2 months old, they’ve weaned off from kitten milk formula. And able to eat on their own now.

They currently need to be fed at least every 4-5 hours, then slowly 5-6 hours and so on, during the first few month of life

At the first few months, kittens also need at least 1 playmate to learn good behaviours and socializing skills from.

Such as to prevent biting humans when they’re adult. Not overly shy etc.

Which means I can only prioritize adoption request from who would be able to commit to adopt 2 of them, as a pair.
Note : Millie and Asher are a bonded pair who loves to play together. While Lana girl is more independent and likes to observe from afar

Exception can be made if you have an existing young kitten of similar age at home

Which will make your life easier as well. As kittens will unleash their play aggression with her/his playmate

By the time you spend time with them, they are much less likely to be aggressive towards you (natural hunting behaviours).

It will prevent you from getting bitten at all, when you adopt two of them. They will still be cuddly, loving and manja with you.

Strictly indoor only environment as the city life is not safe or friendly for the felines.

Adoption fee is used to cover basic necessities. Such as grab to pick up kittens during rescue, food, litter etc.

So continuing to foster and rescue more of other animals will be made possible.

Spaying will be required once they reach mature age (around 4-5 months) For this, RM100 will be collected as a refundable deposit, claimable after receipt of spaying is sent.

Feel free to WhatsApp me to chat more and for more videos & photos, if you’re ready to commit to a lifelong companion and the love they have to give 
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Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Millie - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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