Hi, my name is Baby. I am good at using a litter box and I am not a picky eater. Most of the time I eat and sleep, but when someone invites me to play, I happily join in.
I am not mischievous or disruptive when my caretaker is cooking or eating (I do not climb onto the kitchen counter when my caretaker is cooking or eating).
If anyone is interested in adopting me, you can pick me up in Denai Alam. For any inquiries, you can contact me via WhatsApp at 🫧✨.
Hi, nama saya Baby. Saya pandai guna litter box dan tak memilih makan. Most of the time saya makan dan tidur. Tapi bila orang ajak saya bermain, saya pun ikut sekali.
Saya tak nakal or kacau bibik time memasak atau makan (tak panjat dapur time bibik masak or makan)
Sesiapa yang sudi adopt saya, boleh pick up saya di Denai Alam. Untuk sebarang pertanyaan, boleh Whatsapp di nombor 🫧✨
有意领养我的人可以在Denai Alam来接我。如果有任何问题,请在WhatsApp中联系011🫧✨。