Both are cute active friendly Guinea pigs. Due to my busy new job schedule that I may be away for work traveling and I live alone, hope to find a better owner with young kids to better play and communicate with these furry kids. They are both healthy and active, like to eat n drink. All of their belongings will be given to new owner too
Kedua-duanya adalah cavia yang comel, aktif dan mesra. Disebabkan jadual kerja baru yang sibuk dan saya mungkin perlu berpergian untuk bekerja serta saya tinggal seorang diri, saya berharap untuk mencari tuan rumah yang lebih baik dengan anak-anak kecil untuk bermain dan berkomunikasi dengan haiwan kesayangan ini. Mereka berdua sihat dan aktif, suka makan dan minum. Semua barang mereka juga akan diberikan kepada tuan rumah yang baru.
I am willing go come from Pahang to get it. I planning to get this for my self and also for my daughter.
I have a lawn at the back side of my house. I have a place for them.
If you decided to give it to me, here is my number.
The cost for petrol and toll all under me. Thank you for your time.