Dog | Mixed Breed |
Profile | Mixed Gender, 2 Years 1 Month |
Amount | 2 Pets |
Vaccinated | No |
Dewormed | No |
Spayed | Not Sure |
Condition | Healthy |
Body | Small Size, Short Fur |
Color | Black, Brown, White |
Location | Johor Bahru, Johor |
Posted | 4 Jun 2023 |
Adoption Fee | FREE |
This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Adorable puppies in need of a loving owner ❤
Anak anjing comel perlukan pemilik yang penyayang ❤
可爱幼犬需要有爱心主人 ❤
Spread love by adopting a furry friend 🐾
Sebarkan kasih cinta dengan mengambil mereka pulang 🐾
通过领养毛茸茸的小伙伴来传播爱 🐾
Give a home to these cute pups and make them happy 🏡
Berikan rumah yang selesa buat mereka untuk hidup bahagia 🏡
给这些可爱的小家伙一个温暖的家,让它们快乐 🏡
Lovely puppies with no owner, it would be happy if get owner❤ Kindly contact us for adoption
Anak anjing yang comel tanpa pemilik, akan lebih gembira jika ada pemilik ❤ Sila hubungi kami untuk adopsi di .
可爱的小狗没有主人,如果有主人会很开心❤ 请联系我们领养 。
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