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   « Back To Listing Zoey
Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog
In Heaven
DogCocker Spaniel
ProfileFemale, 9 Years
SpayedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
LocationSubang Jaya, Selangor
Posted9 May 2023 (Updated 1 Mar 2024)
Zoey may be blind, but she can still smell your love! Diapering & cooking for this senior Cocker Spaniel may seem daunting, but it's worth it! Patience, dedication & a heart of gold are all that's needed for Zoey to thrive
  PetGPT Nibbles
Update Dec 2023: Zoey’s adoption process has not been as smooth as we wished, hence we are still looking out for her forever human and home.

Update 4 Jun 2023: Zoey has received a Muffin’s Halo, a patented made in USA apparatus for blind dogs. We are investing in her as much we can!
Hello, I am Zoey! I am 10 years young. I am overall healthy, thanks to kind fosterers, who have been taking care of me with good nutrition. I have a good appetite! I L.O.V.E homecooked blended food. I am not able to take kibble as it is tough on my gums.

I don’t know why I was neglected, and then abandoned. Because of that I have lost most of my sight, and I am sorry I can't really see how you look like. But I can definitely know your scent even before you come near. And when I do I would definitely know who you are.

I am not difficult to care for! But I do need your dedication. I need you to diaper me and cook for me. Be patient if I occasionally slip up during pee pee and poo poo. I was chained up for a tremendously long time and I am working on ridding the habit of walking in circles and sometimes accidentally stepping onto my own pee and poo. But I have improved! I now can work with you and your timing & schedule, and pee pads are wonderful help too. I also need you with me during feeding time. I hope to meet my good human one day.
Zoey was left to die but was rescued in the nick of time in April 2023. She was skin and bones, but has come out of a horrendous state of life a fighter! She now should be in a permanent loving home to start her well into her beautiful old age, in an environment that she can thrive, and settle down with a committed human whom she can trust and depend on for the daily maintenance of her precious life.

Her ideal family would be a quiet one, with a confined small space (here's the perfect dog who do not need a big yard or garden to run around in). Preferably, with adults only who have experience with senior and/or blind dogs, and who will have the compassion to devote time and commitment.

Add on, if you work from home, or a retiree, or has experience with cocker spaniels, you seem like perfect match already.

If you are a pro in having dogs diaper-ed, this would be excellent and most ideal. If you are familiar with cleaning, mopping and picking up after accidental toilet incidents, AND you have a heart of gold - you will find it so very easy to love Zoey. Please call us, like now ;)

Zoey is mobile, walks well, and even brisky at times. She needs a home where she will be loved and looked after properly with close monitoring since her eyesight has failed her. If you are someone who has a big heart to loving seniors and think you could be a good fit for Zoey to live out her precious good years, please send us an email, and tell us why you'd like to take care of Zoey.

We have written this much so far to ensure Zoey is not returned after adoption. So please reach out only if you are optimistic, in good energy and in good spirits to contribute to Zoey’s overall well being. She’s easy to love! There will be some specific questions and adoption criteria that you must be prepared to answer.

Only shortlisted applicants will be invited to meet Zoey. Kindly do not send a message to ask if Zoey is available; we will update the post when she has been successfully adopted.

If you have read this far, thank you! Click below for Zoey's history/rescue details and you'd understand why we are committed to finding the perfect someone for Zoey. Will it be you?


Thank you for choosing to adopt. Temporary foster care is appreciated too at all times until Zoey finds her permanent home.

Please extend your heart and hand to Zoey.

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Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

Zoey - Cocker Spaniel Dog

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Share your comments here9 Comments
Naem   Dec 7th 2023 at 12:17PM
Hi can I adopt him
GraceVincent   Dec 11th 2023 at 1:46AM
This child would be a Blessing 🙌 for me to look after her ..she is such a precious little girl....I just lost my baby girl mercy who was ill on nov 20 ..and previously i looked after my terrier named buster who was ill due to old age n i used diaper n looked after him until he left us on mothers day 2 years ago ...before him I has Angel n gurly who was with us for 14 years n both of them had breadt cancer ... I feel joey is a child who will bring joy n fill my heart with joy ..my family will be blessed to look after this child ....I pray God will send Joey to my family as soon as possible..id love to have her
aileent   Dec 12th 2023 at 8:41PM
Blessings to whomever who can adopt and care for her. Hope all will be well with this adoption. God bless.
GraceVincent   Dec 12th 2023 at 10:27PM
Hi kate Can I pls have your hp no ...or can you pls call or WhatsApp me URGENTLY
Id like to drop by tomorrow
Hi Kate id love to look after this child Zoey...for her to know there is someone who can love her n id love to have her in my family as my Christmas gift ..
KateT   Dec 12th 2023 at 10:56PM
Hi Grace! Thank you for your interest in Zoey. Please check your email to fill up an adoption form.
We will be calling you shortly after this also. Thank you for choosing to love a senior
Naem   Dec 12th 2023 at 11:20PM
Hi prace the lord can I adopt your dog please I like to adopt I am also Christian you can give me as a Christmas gift

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