Hi, I look like a Siamese cat, but my mom is a long-haired black cat and my dad is a domestic short hair with a spotted color. I don't know how I ended up looking like a Siamese.
Anyway, I have grown up, but my caregivers can’t take care of me anymore because everyone is busy working and moving to a new house.
I’m an indoor cat, raised inside the house since I was little.
But don’t worry, I’m very good at using the litter box. I can eat both kibble and wet food. I'm not very picky about food.
I love being petted, but I don’t show it too much because I don’t want to seem like an attention seeker.
Most of the time, I sleep 😅 but I can play a little.
For your information, my fur is shedding, and I have some bald spots, but it just takes time to grow back and look cute again. I hope my new family can accept me as I am.
Anyone interested in adopting me can WhatsApp for any inquiries or to set a time for pick-up. Don’t forget to bring a carrier! 🫧✨
Hi, saya bulu je nampak macam Siamese tapi mak saya kucing hitam bulu panjang and ayah saya pulak domestic short hair color tompok. Tak tau macam mana saya jadi Siam.
Apa apa pun saya dah besar, tapi bibik saya tak boleh jaga saya dah sebab masing masing dah busy bekerja dan akan pindah rumah.
Saya indoor cat, saya dari kecil dibesarkan dalam rumah.
Tapi awak jangan risau, saya sangatlah pandai guna litter box. Saya boleh makan kibbles dan wetfood. Saya tak memilih makan sangat.
Saya suka dibelai tapi saya tak tunjuk sangat lah yang saya ni suka dibelai, nanti nampak macam attention seeker pulak.
Most of the time, saya tido 😅 Tapi saya boleh bermain, sikit sikit je la.
Untuk pengetahuan semua, bulu saya ada gugur sampaikan ada bald spot cuma takes time untuk tumbuh dan jadi comel balik. Harap keluarga baru dapat terima saya seadanya
Sesiapa yang berminat nak adopt saya, boleh Whatsapp untuk sebarang pertanyaan or untuk set time for pick up. Jangan lupa bawa carrier🫧✨