Joy (black and white) & Grace (brown) have a very cute and comical looks, they are very photogenic! They are both very independent cat, both of them do not require a lot of assistance and both of them often plays together as they grew up together. They are indoor cats, and loves to workout on the cat tree to train their claws.
Joy is a sweet, and she will always come to you for a pet and sit with you, she is gentle and friendly, and loves cuddle, she can let you cuddle her and just be still for sometimes more than 5 minutes.
Grace can be a little shy and timid when she meets new people, she can be a lil fierce and don’t like petting on the back, but loves a head rub, but once she’s comfortable she’s so loving and will ask you to pet her, and she purrs very loudly too, she absolutely loves the companionship of humans after settling in. Grace loves to play “football” she will be so attracted to the crumbling sound of the paper ball, and she will be always ready to play with it when you toss it to her direction.
Both of them get so excited in meeting mirror/light reflection! Very cute! The love wet food as well, Joy loves snacks but Grace doesn’t eat much of the snacks!
Joy (hitam putih) & Grace (coklat) kelihatan sangat comel dan lucu, mereka sangat bersifat fotogenik! Kedua-duanya sangat independen, tidak memerlukan banyak bantuan, dan sering bermain bersama-sama ketika mereka tumbuh bersama. Mereka adalah kucing dalam rumah, dan suka berlatih pada pokok kucing untuk melatih cakarnya.
Joy sangat manis, dan selalu datang kepada anda untuk dipeluk dan duduk dengan anda. Dia lembut dan ramah, dan suka berpelukan, dia membiarkan anda memeluknya dan hanya diam selama lebih dari 5 minit.
Grace boleh menjadi agak malu dan pemalu apabila berjumpa dengan orang baru, dia agak garang dan tidak suka dipeluk di belakang, tetapi suka kena urut kepala. Tapi, sekali dia berasa selesa, dia sangat penyayang dan akan meminta anda membelainya. Dia juga bersuara bising sekali ketika mendengar suara kegembiraannya. Grace sangat suka bermain bola kertas dan sentiasa bersedia untuk bermain apabila anda melemparkan kepadanya.
Kedua-duanya sangat gembira untuk bertemu bayangan cermin/cahaya! Sangat comel! Mereka juga suka makan makanan basah, tetapi Joy suka snek tetapi Grace tidak makan banyak snek!