Dog | Rottweiler Mix |
Profile | Male, 2 Years 5 Months |
Vaccinated | Yes |
Dewormed | Yes |
Neutered | Yes |
Condition | Healthy |
Body | Medium Size, Short Fur |
Color | Black, Brown |
Location | Klang, Selangor |
Posted | 28 Apr 2023 |
Adoption Fee | FREE |
This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Neutered, vaccinated, and ready for a forever home
Sudah dikecutkan, divaksin dan siap cari rumah
Zack is patiently waiting for new "parents"
Zack sedang menanti pelanggan baru
Adopt, don't shop
Adopsi, jangan beli
ZACK is looking for a forever home. Alrdy neutered and vaccinated. Ready to go to a home... waiting a new home and new "parents"
*Term&Condition #pls adopt dont shop
ZACK mencari rumah kekal. Sudah dikastrakan dan divaksinasi. Sedia untuk pergi ke rumah baru... menunggu sebuah rumah dan "ibu bapa" baru.
*Terma & Syarat #silalah adopsi, jangan membeli
*条款和条件 #请收养,不要购买
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