Hi there, I appreciate your time in taking a look at this profile. My parents has decided to adopt this cat from a laundry mart in Bentong(hence the terrible name Laundry), and as my parents have aged, it is no longer possible for them to keep Laundry. I have taken the cat from them and is keeping the cat temporarily. Although I absolutely love pets, and have had pets previously(though this is my first cat), I am unable to commit the time and care that Laundry will need(which is also why I currently don't have pets) as I am bound to start working abroad, which is why I am sadly trying to find adopters for her. Many have asked me to put her to a shelter, but I could not bring myself to do so as I do not want to put a member of my family to a shelter just because I cannot take care of her.
Laundry is a little shy and mostly inquisitive, but whoever who would like to adopt her, please do take this into consideration: Laundry does not like to be left alone. She will cry when you leave the house, and will need to sleep with you in sight.
I do hope to find a cat lover amongst you who would be willing to take her in, and provide her with the care and time that a cat owner can provide.