Here is the translation of the content into English:
- Age: 1 year
- Female
- Already neutered
- No payment required
- Indoor only
- Take good care with love and care
- My cat can be delivered to your location
- WhatsApp me..
- Umur: 1tahun
- female
- sudah neuter
- Tiada bayaran
- indoor only
- Jaga baik2 with love and care
- kucing saya boleh hantarkan ke lokasi anda
Whatsapp saya..
Here is the translation of the provided content into Simplified Chinese:
- 年龄:1岁
- 母猫
- 已经绝育
- 无需费用
- 仅限室内
- 请善待,给予爱与关怀
- 我的猫可以送到您指定的地点