Female kitten 🐱
小 Tabby🐱
- Timid & Shy 有點膽小和害羞的小貓咪
- Very caring cat 暖寶貓咪
- 2 months old 兩個月大
- Can eat kibbles 會吃乾糧
- Knows how to use little box 會用貓砂
- Vaccinated 預防針 ❌ (underweight 不夠重)
- Dewormed 驅蟲 ✅
- Please do not pet them outdoors 不放養
- Never abandon her no matter what 無論什麼原因都用不拋棄他
Hoping that you are aware that once adopting a cat is a 10years + commitment. We pet them since baby and will be witnessing them to grow and get old. They might get sicks or behave badly due to their emotional sometimes.
I am hoping that once you adopted her, you will take care of her no matter what and DO NOT ABANDON the cat at last for whatever reason.
In case if you think you couldn't take care of her, please do bring it back to me in two weeks time so that I can find them a better place.
Please do kindly WhatsApp me if you are interested in adopting this cutie pie ❤️
And just wondering is she playful?