This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
5 puppies with mother dog need forever home due to community aversion
5 anak anjing dengan ibu memerlukan rumah selamanya disebabkan Jompoa terhadap anjing
No breeders or foreigners, only loving homes
Tiada breeder atau orang asing, hanya untuk rumah yang penuh kasih
Help save and give these puppies a chance at life
Bantu selamatkan dan berikan peluang ini kepada para anak anjing
Found 5 stray puppies with a mother dog in a housing area where the community has a extreme aversion towards dogs. Some local people in the area has threatened to poison them if the dogs kept roaming around the area. I am just trying to help save these dogs and find them a forever home. At the moment 3 puppies are kept at my house for temporary solution.
I would not entertain calls from dog breeders or foreigners. I have seen what this people are doing and i would not give to people who want to keep them at factories/farms etc.