1 of my male dog escaped from my compound due to a mistake by a friend. Then when I managed to find him, he was 'connected' to a female stray. I managed to get the female back to my place and intented to keep her. But cause I already got 2dogs I am pressured by the neighbours to not keep her. And my family as well is making an issue on keeping her. Now she is quite pregnant and I really dont know what to do as I am pressured to give her away. She is such a good dog and she is a beautiful dog. Even in such a short time she has become such a loyal dog. But I really have to send her away as my house cant accommodate 3dogs. I really help soon as I will be going outstation next week. Please contact me by email x- or mobile. I really need help for someone to adopt her or foster her during her period when she will give birth. I am very desperate. PLEASE HELP!
I have decided to keep her as a process of passing her to Fosterer went bad. And on 24/06/2010 she gave birth to 8 beautiful puppies!