A cat gave birth to 4 kittens at my college and I’m unable to keep them. They are very healthy but they do have a lot of fleas. If possible, please adopt the mother as well. Because she is extremely motherly and I’m sure she would feel devastated if her kids are gone. The mother is a bit sick and needs to be brought to the vet as she has always been a stray cat. She is extremely sweet though. It’s a shame I can’t afford to keep them with me. Thank you very much
Sebuah kucing telah melahirkan 4 ekor anak kucing di kolej saya dan saya tidak dapat mengekalkannya. Mereka sangat sihat tetapi memiliki banyak kutu. Sekiranya boleh, sila ambil ibu kucing juga. Kerana dia sangat penyayang dan saya pasti dia akan berasa sangat sedih jika anak-anaknya hilang. Ibu kucing agak sakit dan perlu dibawa ke doktor haiwan kerana dia selalu menjadi kucing liar. Walau bagaimanapun, dia sangat manis. Sangat disayangkan saya tidak mampu untuk mengekalkan mereka bersama saya. Terima kasih banyak.
is this still available