This dog was found in Cheras trader square 17th Feb 2023, we named her Happy(temporary name). We not sure her breed but look a lot like a Labrador Retriever. She is 24.5kg (weight)
She will be spayed on 22nd Feb to prevent more unwanted fur babies in the area. We concern she is abandon case(as we checked social media and asked around she has been there for more than a week plus and no one has asked about her before) but if is lost we would love to reunite her with her family. She was found with a blue collar with no number to contact. Have helped to check in with vet to make sure health wise ok no disease and vital organs are functioning well. She is estimated to be about 3 to 4 years old (Golden mix according to vet)
We stay in highrise and we have one dog of our own. It will be difficult to take her in long term. Can call me if you interested to foster or better yet give her a home ❤️