Dog | Mixed Breed |
Profile | Male, 2 Years 3 Months |
Vaccinated | No |
Dewormed | Yes |
Neutered | No | |  |
Condition | Healthy |
Body | Medium Size, Short Fur |
Color | Brown, White |
Location | Puchong, Selangor |
Posted | 18 Feb 2023 |
Adoption Fee | FREE |
This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Drain survivor seeks forever home
Selamat dari longkang, cari rumah yang kekal
Loyal companion in search of family
Sahabat setia mencari keluarga
Pawsome pup looking for love
Anak anjing hebat mencari kasih sayang
Rescued from the drain, hopefully he will be able to find his forever home.
Diselamatkan daripada longkang, harapnya dia dapat mencari rumah kekalannya.
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