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   « Back To Listing Smokey
Smokey - British Shorthair Cat
Owner's Pet
CatBritish Shorthair
ProfileMale, 4 Years 6 Months
BodyLarge Size, Short Fur
LocationPutrajaya, Selangor
Posted7 Feb 2023
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Hello everyone!

My name is Smokey (DOB: 15/9/2020). Those who has met me once or twice would say that I am a very passive and shy cat because I don’t like to be around people that I am not familiar with, especially kids 🤭

My mom however would say that I’m a cat who tries to keep his cool by playing hard to get with rubs and pats, but I end up failing anyway because belly rubs are irresistible! 🤫 She finds it cute though! I only show my manja side to those I trust, I am not so fond of people who immediately gets too cuddly with me the moment we first meet as I get easily annoyed and uncomfortable. Try to approach me patiently and I will slowly come to you for belly rubs! 💗

I don’t do cuddles and hugs with my family, but I will always be around them whenever, wherever. Watch me sit on my mom’s keyboard when she’s doing work, stare at her blankly when she eats, sleep on the kitchen counter when she cooks, wherever she is, I’m there 😂

Most of the time I eat kibbles, but I get crazy when wet food is served (Ciao is my fav! 😋). I like drinking running water from the sink, takes me only a few meows and everyone in the house knows just what I need, waterrrr 😙 I live indoors with another British Shorthair named Abu. We are a match in heaven - opposite characters yet we compliment each other 🫶😽

I am very calm and lazy, I don’t run around the house and cause chaos as much as Abu does. I would only waste my energy like Abu does for food 💁‍♂️ I sleep and lay around too much (if you can’t tell by the pictures already) but I know my mom can’t hate me for that, how can she be mad at this face?? 🤣🤭
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Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

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Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat

Smokey - British Shorthair Cat


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